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Everything posted by Physrum

  1. Hi, I do have retraction and Z hop settings activated. The printer does it on the model itself without any problem. I do have most of the settings you talked configured to make the best quality prints. The problem happens only on the support towers where no retraction is done. I'm using Cura 2.6
  2. Hi everyone. I've been printing increasingly complex models in the past few days and I came across a problem when using supports. There is no retraction between the towers thus causing lots of stringing. This is a problem for me as it tends to break small towers and pull them to one side due to the weight of the added plastic. The print head also tends to rub against previously printed supports during travel and caused print failures a couple of times. The rest of my print is fine and I don't have any problem with stringing or anything on the object itself. I think a feature to enable retraction and Z-Hop when printing supports could be really useful. What do you think? PS: There was already a similar thread here: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/23443-cura-23-release-bug-massive-stringing-on-supports Pictures here: https://goo.gl/photos/rhxT1JpzmSJXQe1x9 https://goo.gl/photos/e2THGPtEm6TYALwR6
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