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  1. go tp http://ipforyourprinter/docs/api/ it will display the swagger-ui or as @CarloK posted, http://ipforyourprinter/docs/api/api_documentation.json will output the swagger doc as json that you use to generate a client with
  2. swagger doc should be available at http://ipforyourprinter/docs/api/
  3. Well I noticed I've added an issue in the github repo : https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/issues/660 Anyway, i'm now able to generate a gcode for differents settings, thanks for the guidance on this. Hopefully this gets fixed so we can fully automate the slicing for UM3 with the command line.
  4. Almost there. The gcode produced has invalid headers : ;START_OF_HEADER ;HEADER_VERSION:0.1 ;FLAVOR:Griffin ;GENERATOR.NAME:Cura_SteamEngine ;GENERATOR.VERSION:3.0.4 ;GENERATOR.BUILD_DATE:2017-10-31 ;TARGET_MACHINE.NAME:Ultimaker 3 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.INITIAL_TEMPERATURE:235 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.NOZZLE.DIAMETER:0.4 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.NOZZLE.NAME:AA 0.4 ;BUILD_PLATE.INITIAL_TEMPERATURE:80 ;PRINT.SIZE.MIN.X:2.14748e+006 ;PRINT.SIZE.MIN.Y:2.14748e+006 ;PRINT.SIZE.MIN.Z:2.14748e+006 ;PRINT.SIZE.MAX.X:-2.14748e+006 ;PRINT.SIZE.MAX.Y:-2.14748e+006 ;PRINT.SIZE.MAX.Z:-2.14748e+006 ;END_OF_HEADER this is from the file with -o, what is weird is the output from the console has the correct values : ;START_OF_HEADER ;HEADER_VERSION:0.1 ;FLAVOR:Griffin ;GENERATOR.NAME:Cura_SteamEngine ;GENERATOR.VERSION:3.0.4 ;GENERATOR.BUILD_DATE:2017-10-31 ;TARGET_MACHINE.NAME:Ultimaker 3 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.INITIAL_TEMPERATURE:235 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.MATERIAL.VOLUME_USED:813 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.MATERIAL.GUID:60636bb4-518f-42e7-8237-fe77b194ebe0 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.NOZZLE.DIAMETER:0.4 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.NOZZLE.NAME:AA 0.4 ;BUILD_PLATE.INITIAL_TEMPERATURE:80 ;PRINT.TIME:999 ;PRINT.SIZE.MIN.X:9 ;PRINT.SIZE.MIN.Y:6 ;PRINT.SIZE.MIN.Z:0.27 ;PRINT.SIZE.MAX.X:130.787 ;PRINT.SIZE.MAX.Y:121.784 ;PRINT.SIZE.MAX.Z:5.97 ;END_OF_HEADER How do i get the correct headers in the file ?
  5. How do you handle per extruder settings though ? the ones with -e0 -e1 ?
  6. That's pretty much why Cura does not use the command line, and instead uses that socket. What you could do is create a .def.json file that contains all the values you see being sent to CuraEngine as default_value (in addition to what's in ultimaker3.def.json). I guess that could work if i can create a definition that inherits ultimaker3.def.json with the extra values.
  7. Another way to phrase my question is : how do i know what extra parameters i need to send apart from the ones inherited from ultimaker.def.json ?
  8. Hey, I'm trying to get a GCODE from a STL via invoking CuraEngine.exe. From cura.log i can see that it's sending a whole bunch of parameters to a socket instead of the command line and returns all the settings value. I could copy/paste all these parameters but it's way too long for Windows and hit the limit of args for a process. I also see that it's using fdmprinter.def.json instead of ultimaker3.def.json. I've tried doing this : CuraEngine.exe slice -v -j "C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 3.0\resources\definitions\ultimaker3.def.json" -s material_bed_temperature_layer_0="80" -s material_print_temperature_layer_0="235" -s layer_height="0.1" -s layer_height_0="0.27" -s material_diameter="2.85" -e0 -l "C:\Users\***\Desktop\cura\screw.stl" -o "C:\Users\****\Desktop\cura\test.gcode" But the generated GCODE is pretty different from the one generated by CURA (the UI) ~20k more lines in the one generated by CURA. Is there a simple way to generate a GCODE equivalent as CURA for the ultimaker 3 for a preset like ABS - Fine - no support - generate build plate adhesion - using CuraEngine.exe ? Thank you.
  9. Hello, I'm using a Ultimaker3 with firmware : (latest from stable). I have the following issue when calling GET /printer via a client generated from swagger tools : the Network object returns differs from the spec (returns an object : is an enum in spec), which throws a serialization exception. Is there an updated - correct - swagger doc somewhere ? A nuget package for a c# client ? If not, a github repo where we can contribute ? Thanks !
  10. Hello, I'm using a Ultimaker3 with firmware : (latest from stable). I have the following issue when calling GET /printer via a client generated from swagger tools : the Network object returns differs from the spec (returns an object : is an enum in spec), which throws a serialization exception. Is there an updated - correct - swagger doc somewhere ? A nuget package for a c# client ? If not, a github repo where we can contribute ? Thanks !
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