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Den door

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  1. Ok, thanks everybody for the excellent reply’s. I cleaned the glass perfectly and I leveled the bed with some precision tools shown on the picture. After that I did a testprint and now it’s perfect. No warping, curling, just the way it used to be. I used the 0,15mm to level the bed with the nozzle ?. That seems to be the perfect match ?? In the future this will be my way to go ?? Thanks ! and keep on printing ?
  2. No the bed is perfectly leveled, I checked before I did this print after I cleaned the glass. It begin always in the same corner. I buyed the kit with the glass on the front of the printer to keep the warmt inside and avoid turbulence if somebody passes the printer. Should I use the glue ? I read that is only necessary when using ABS filament and not PLA. The first layers are perfect, then it begins to bend. The bed is set at 60 degrees celsius... Thanks for your reply to my question.
  3. The corners and sides are going up during printing. It’s PLA on an ultimaker 2+ with normal settings from Cura. The nozzle is 0,4mm. The glassurface is crisp clean. Thanks in advance ??
  4. I am sorry, it is the Ultimaker 2+ I have done a few prints and they are fine ( for the one that succeed ) If I want to print really small objects then they come off the glass, even when I use the glue that comes in the package. Have to figure that out to prevent this... Thanks ! ! !
  5. Hi there ! I am new to the community and start to begin printing with my Ultimate 2+ I am searching for custom profiles for PLA to download and use for detailed printing. Can't find anything online. Are there downloadable profiles ? Working on a Mac and Cura is the latest version. Thanks in advance ! Den Door.
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