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Posts posted by Adam324

  1. Is it possible to get a brim for supports only?  I have had quite a few prints where the object iteself is supported well enough and has a lot of parts touching the bed with detail that I don't want a brim to have to cut off of it but supports do need help with adhesion to the bed.  I think it would help a lot in those instances to have the brim not touch the object itself but to only put brim around supports.  Has anyone found a way to do that?  If not... that new feature would be great.

    • Like 1
  2. Updated to v 1.1 to make sure the layer number you use for the plugin matches the layer number in Cura's layer view.  The script was not including negative layers (raft for example) so that I could easily calculate half of the layers in my head when deciding what layer to pause at but not realizing that the layer number would not match what Cura shows in the layer view.  The original script was doing the right thing from Cura's perspective when showing the layers in the layer view so I made it calculate layers like the original script did.

  3. Post processing script for Octoprint's @pause feature


    None of the existing pause at height scripts use the @pause feature for Octoprint to handle the pause and resume so I made a new script based off of the existing 'Pause at height' script to do that.  You can give it a height in mm or layer number to pause after printing the layer specified.  It does not add any commands like M or G for example.  It only inserts an @pause into the gcode just before the layer height or layer number which tells Octoprint to handle the pause using Octoprint's 'PAUSE and RESUME scripts.  By default Octoprint doesn't define any commands for the pause and resume scripts so you would need to put that in yourself in the Octoprint config under the PRINTER settings.  This does not use any of Cura's pause and resume scripts as it is intended to use Octoprint for the pause and resume.


    99.9% of the work for this script was already done and I didn't have to add much code so a big thank you for the developer of the original script.  I removed a lot more code than added as this script only adds one @pause line to the gcode for each pause.


    If you combine this with the Telegram plugin for Octoprint, you can get notifications to your phone through Telegram when your printer pauses which is really handy so that I don't have to keep monitoring the printer at the right time.


    I have attached the PauseAtHeightOctoprint.py script.  On Windows you can put the PauseAtHeightOctoprint.py script in your user data directory below for Cura 3.4 and restart Cura.  I only tested this on Cura 3.4.1 but I suspect that this script would work for quite a few older versions of Cura too.  There is an api version 2 specified in the script I created this from but I don't know when Cura starting supporting version 2 of the post processing scripts.


    Cura 3.4:


    Other Cura versions configuration directories...



     1.3  (2018-08-23)

         Fixed a major bug where I put an incomplete version in the zip file.  It was missing an import line for UM.Application.

     1.2  (2018-08-20)

         Pulled in bug fixes from upstream PauseAtHeight script. See
     1.1  (2018-08-12)
         Fixed script to use layer counts like Cura does.  Cura starts counting layers
         as 1 even for negative layers like for the raft so we need this plugin to match the
         layer numbers as shown in Cura.
     1.0  (2018-08-12)
         Initial release 



    • Like 1
  4. I never adjusted the values for it and I notice that by default Regular Fan Speed at Height is set to 0mm which seems to set the Regular Fan Speed at Layer to 1.  If I look at the gcode generated without a raft, I see that the fan is turned on at layer 1 (not on layer 0, the initial layer).  This works well for my prints without a raft.

    When I enable a raft, I see in the gcode that layers -6 through -1 are the raft layers and at layer 0 (initial layer), I see that the fan comes on at full.  It appears that by enabling the raft, the Regular Fan Speed at Height/Layer is ignored or at least it comes on at the first layer of the object (layer 0).  How do I get Cura to not turn on the fan at layer 1 instead of layer 0 when using a raft?  Why is there a difference in behavior?  Does 'Regular Fan Speed at Height/Layer' consider the raft height in it's calculation.  I have the default settings of the Raft Fan Speed still set to 0.

    The reason I bring this up is that I noticed that with my improved fan setup that I modified on the Duplicator 9, The first layer of the object seems to be cooling too fast causing it to slide along the top surface of the raft instead of adhering to it.  I need to reduce cooling on the first layer of the object on top of the raft.  I tested it manually by turning off the fan on the first layer right as it was turned on, and the first layer turned out perfect on top of the raft.  I then turned the fan back on manually after the first layer (layer 0).


    I am using Cura 3.4.1

  5. I narrowed it down to if I increase the Z size by 1370 percent which gives 12 layers (0.2mm layer height and 2.4 mm total height) the scalable prime plugin adjusts E for all layers (as expected).  If it is under 12 layer height then the plugin doesn't adjust any of the layers.


    I wonder what is triggering it to start working.  I use 0.8mm top and bottom thickness.  0.8mm wall thickness  Top layers ends up being 4 as well as bottom layers.  I use a 0.2mm layer height but set the bottom layer to be 0.3mm.


    I have included my profile.


    Download the test pattern here...



    Scale only Z height by 1250% and then generate the gcode and look at it.  You will see that the scalable extra prime plugin didn't adjust E.


    Scale only Z height by 1370% and then generate the gcode and look at it.  You will see that the scalable extra prime plugin adjusts E properly.






  6. I use Octopi 0.3.1 with Octoprint 1.3.8 and haven't noticed that yet.  So far it has been working just fine for me.  I see Octoprint 1.3.9 was released 3 days ago but I haven't upgraded to that yet but I plan to.


    I am not sure if I leave the Monitor screen up though all the time as I am usually flipping back to the Prepare screen to get ready for the next print.

  7. I am using Ultimaker Cura 3.4.1. I have started seeing some underextrusions on long runs and expirimenting with a print that has long moves without printing, I increased the scalable extra prime to 20mm just to see if more made a difference and it doesn't.  I normally use about 1.5mm with a 250mm max distance.  I am not sure when this started not working.  I don't see any extra priming being done.  A diff of the gcode files seems to confirm that nothing is being added.  Does scalable extra prime work for anyone else using 3.4.1?  I have it enabled in the plugins section and enabled in the settings (most of the extra prime setting you have to search using "extra" as you can't unhide them which is another issue but not a big deal.


    This is what I have been using to test...



    I used the '280x280_mm_Bed_Level_Calibration.stl' file and you need a 300mm print bed of course to use it.


    My settings on the last print test...

    ;SETTING_3 {"global_quality": "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Normal Wanhao D9
    ;SETTING_3 \\ndefinition = fdmprinter\\n\\n[metadata]\\nsetting_version = 4\\nqu
    ;SETTING_3 ality_type = normal\\ntype = quality_changes\\n\\n[values]\\naccelera
    ;SETTING_3 tion_enabled = False\\nadaptive_layer_height_enabled = False\\nadapti
    ;SETTING_3 ve_layer_height_variation_step = 0.02\\nadhesion_type = none\\ncarve_
    ;SETTING_3 multiple_volumes = False\\nlayer_height = 0.2\\nlayer_height_0 = 0.3\
    ;SETTING_3 \nmaterial_bed_temperature = =default_material_bed_temperature\\nscal
    ;SETTING_3 able_prime_enable = True\\nscalable_prime_max_amount = 20\\nscalable_
    ;SETTING_3 prime_max_travel = 250\\nscalable_prime_min_travel = 20\\nsupport_ena
    ;SETTING_3 ble = True\\nsupport_type = buildplate\\n\\n", "extruder_quality": ["
    ;SETTING_3 [general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Normal Wanhao D9\\ndefinition = fdmp
    ;SETTING_3 rinter\\n\\n[metadata]\\nsetting_version = 4\\nposition = 0\\nquality
    ;SETTING_3 _type = normal\\ntype = quality_changes\\n\\n[values]\\nacceleration_
    ;SETTING_3 print = 400\\nacceleration_travel = 4000\\nbrim_width = 3.0\\ncool_fa
    ;SETTING_3 n_speed = =100.0 if cool_fan_enabled else 0.0\\ncool_fan_speed_0 = 20
    ;SETTING_3 \\ncool_lift_head = True\\ncool_min_layer_time = 3\\ncool_min_speed =
    ;SETTING_3  10\\ngradual_support_infill_step_height = 4\\ngradual_support_infill
    ;SETTING_3 _steps = 1\\ninfill_angles = []\\ninfill_pattern = triangles\\ninfill
    ;SETTING_3 _sparse_density = 15\\nironing_enabled = False\\nmaterial_final_print
    ;SETTING_3 _temperature = =max(-273.15, material_print_temperature - 15)\\nmater
    ;SETTING_3 ial_flow = 100\\nmaterial_initial_print_temperature = =max(-273.15, m
    ;SETTING_3 aterial_print_temperature - 10)\\nmaterial_print_temperature_layer_0 
    ;SETTING_3 = =material_print_temperature\\noptimize_wall_printing_order = True\\
    ;SETTING_3 nraft_margin = 6\\nretraction_amount = 1.4\\nroofing_layer_count = 1\
    ;SETTING_3 \nroofing_pattern = concentric\\nspeed_print = 40\\nsupport_conical_a
    ;SETTING_3 ngle = 25\\nsupport_conical_enabled = True\\nsupport_infill_rate = 20
    ;SETTING_3 \\nsupport_pattern = zigzag\\nsupport_z_distance = 0.22\\ntop_layers 
    ;SETTING_3 = =0 if infill_sparse_density == 100 else math.ceil(round(top_thickne
    ;SETTING_3 ss / resolveOrValue('layer_height'), 4))\\n\\n", "[general]\\nversion
    ;SETTING_3  = 4\\nname = Normal Wanhao D9\\ndefinition = fdmprinter\\n\\n[metada
    ;SETTING_3 ta]\\nsetting_version = 4\\nposition = 1\\nquality_type = normal\\nty
    ;SETTING_3 pe = quality_changes\\n\\n[values]\\n\\n", "[general]\\nversion = 4\\
    ;SETTING_3 nname = Normal Wanhao D9\\ndefinition = fdmprinter\\n\\n[metadata]\\n
    ;SETTING_3 setting_version = 4\\nposition = 2\\nquality_type = normal\\ntype = q
    ;SETTING_3 uality_changes\\n\\n[values]\\n\\n", "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname 
    ;SETTING_3 = Normal Wanhao D9\\ndefinition = fdmprinter\\n\\n[metadata]\\nsettin
    ;SETTING_3 g_version = 4\\nposition = 3\\nquality_type = normal\\ntype = quality
    ;SETTING_3 _changes\\n\\n[values]\\n\\n", "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Norm
    ;SETTING_3 al Wanhao D9\\ndefinition = fdmprinter\\n\\n[metadata]\\nsetting_vers
    ;SETTING_3 ion = 4\\nposition = 4\\nquality_type = normal\\ntype = quality_chang
    ;SETTING_3 es\\n\\n[values]\\n\\n", "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Normal Wan
    ;SETTING_3 hao D9\\ndefinition = fdmprinter\\n\\n[metadata]\\nsetting_version = 
    ;SETTING_3 4\\nposition = 5\\nquality_type = normal\\ntype = quality_changes\\n\
    ;SETTING_3 \n[values]\\n\\n", "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Normal Wanhao D9
    ;SETTING_3 \\ndefinition = fdmprinter\\n\\n[metadata]\\nsetting_version = 4\\npo
    ;SETTING_3 sition = 6\\nquality_type = normal\\ntype = quality_changes\\n\\n[val
    ;SETTING_3 ues]\\n\\n", "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Normal Wanhao D9\\ndef
    ;SETTING_3 inition = fdmprinter\\n\\n[metadata]\\nsetting_version = 4\\nposition
    ;SETTING_3  = 7\\nquality_type = normal\\ntype = quality_changes\\n\\n[values]\\




  8. I noticed this same bug.  I didn't realize what was causing it until reading this post.  Sure enough... disabling the extra prime stopped the glob of filament being extruded at the end of my prints.

    This plugin is very useful for prints with very large travels so hopefully they can figure out a way to not make it apply to the end gcode.


    EDIT: To add to this... I wonder if the extra filament should be based on time and not on distance traveled.  I use the feature that lifts the head if the minimum time is not met for a layer.  Depending on the settings it could pause for a few seconds up to 9 (for some filaments).  It only travels a short distance when it moves the head out of the way and back again but the time is long enough for filament to ooze out more than with the same amount of travel without a pause.  I wonder if there is a way to base the extra prime amount on time instead of distance?


  9. Does USB printing work for anyone?  Ever since going to 3.4 beta, I start a print, the bed and head heat up but the status sits at 1% and the nozzle never moves from the initial position.  A home doesn't happen... nothing.  If I copy the gcode to the SD card and put it in the printer, it prints.


    I am using 'Marlin' as the gcode type and the printer is a Wanhao Duplicator 9 which works fine printing via USB with 3.3.1.


    EDIT: I reinstalled 3.3.1 and it printed via USB just fine.


    The only odd thing is that when I started 3.4 beta, it said my settings were corrupt or invalid (something like that) so I had to go over the settings 1 at a time to set it up again as I chose to reset the settings in 3.4.  I wonder if the reason for this corrupt thing is that i am using some plugins (Scalable Extra prime).  Maybe those settings were not known or something as the plugin is not installed by default with 3.4  when you first run it.  This is likely a separate issue but worth noting.

  10. To add to this.  I realized that on a print that has top layers at different heights, some of the top layers were ok and others were not.  It turns out that some top layers were at near maximum layer thickness and others were at the minimum layer thickness.  You can compensate by adding more mm to the top layer height setting (double or 4 times as much) but then your thicker layers would take up 4 times as much filament... not just the thin layers.  That could add up to a lot of extra filament depending on the object.

  11. I noticed this same bug.  I didn't realize what was causing it until reading this post.  Sure enough... disabling the extra prime stopped the glob of filament being extruded at the end of my prints.

    This plugin is very useful for prints with very large travels so hopefully they can figure out a way to not make it apply to the end gcode.

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