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    R&D / Exploration

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  1. Slic3r handles single line walls okay, although it doesn't do a number of other things as well. You might want to check out Slic3r instead.
  2. I am using a Monoprice Maker Select Plus printer.
  3. I am using Cura 3.4.1. I was attempting to slice with the Enable Bridge Settings box checked with the following settings: - Minimum Bridge Wall Length: 0.4 mm - Bridge Skin Support Threshold: 50% - Bridge Wall Max Overhang: 55% - Bridge Wall Speed: 12 mm/s - Bridge Skin Speed: 12 mm/s - Bridge Fan Speed: 100% - All other settings: default The model that I was attempting to slice was the Salt Lake Temple on Thingiverse by hlyman. Using a 0.2 mm layer height, I found that there were holes in the walls on some layers. Also some of the outer wall locations were changed. When I deselected the Enable Bridge Settings, the problem went away. Any suggestions on a workaround to still be able to use the bridge settings and not have the holes in the walls, etc.?
  4. I usually have combing turned except for skin layers. I still see a lot of retraction in the infill.
  5. Retractions between gears are necessary. Retractions within each individual gear not so much. I have seen prints where there are retractions within a part that occur every couple of millimeters so that the printer was spending far more time retracting than printing.
  6. When printing gears or other prints with small distances between objects, there is a real need to have retraction only when crossing, ending in or starting in an outer wall. It would be really nice if there were an option to set retractions to only occur at those times. The minimum distance feature is nice, but does not completely cover the issue when there are outer walls close together. As a result of having to set the minimum distance so that retractions can occur between the objects, there can be a HUGE number of unnecessary retractions, which causes extra wear and tear on the printer (especially the extruder) and a much longer print time than is necessary. Combining the minimum distance with a forced retraction when crossing outer walls would result in a near optimum number of retractions. P.S. Sorry if this has been covered before. I couldn't find anything after reading a number of pages worth of forum topics.
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