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Everything posted by Vasadze

  1. WOW it worked to be honest at first I did not think it would help but I guess I've been printing for few months on sheer luck 😄 thank you very much for help now I can print again 🙂 thank you all for helping
  2. sorry for delay had to take care of something https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qcLR_pbKukB8JP1pNIm3GWHJGgc0aqs1 here is video to show what my problem is hope it can help you help me 🙂
  3. I used for cleaning feeders. I will upload some pictures this evening.
  4. I did hot and cold pulls on the primary core several times. I have never changed infill print myself I had that option hidden. Usually my print speed was 150 and as I checked on that speed infill speed is 110 by the default but for the last prints before my problem occurred I was printing at 55 and infill speed on that printing speed 40 by the default. Yes I did put the feeder tension back to centered since it gave no difference after changing it.
  5. Yes i might have pushed printing speed a little bit too far but it was fine I was printing at high speed since day one. No I haven't changed flow rate. I don't think that the problem is in too many retractions because I can't even get to the printing when I changed the spool loaded new material for the first few seconds extrusion is like it should be then it slowly stops extruding and that is when I know feeder started grinding on filament. But the strange thing is it happend when I changed material for print core 1 and all of a sudden the problem occurred on both feeders.
  6. Filament is not tangled yes I use Spool holder on the back. what is filament guide? and how do I disable filament sensor? I dont know.
  7. Did it just now material was extruding without me using any force just gentle push.
  8. Hi I have Ultimaker S5 about 2-3 months, had no issues with it until yesterday. I used PLA/Tough PLA/ABS on print core 1 and PVA Natural on print core 2. Mostly I've been printing small things that would not take more than 3-4 hours, have printed 2-3 big ones that took 15-20 hours. Yesterday I was printing and noticed that nozzle stopped extruding filament. I made a little bit of research and found that both of my knurled wheels of the feeders have dug in to the filament. I read that I need to release feeder tension by hex key int the hole on top of the feeder and turning it clockwise so I did, I released tension as much as I could but it did not help it actually had no effect. If you have any ideas what must be done please HELP ME. P.S. I did clean print cores with hot and cold pull. Nozzles are not clogged.
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