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Everything posted by moschidreamer

  1. How do I force Cura to use one speed/flow on outside?
  2. All walls begin at the white points shown in both cura versions. With the same settings I get good startings in old version but bad startings (I call it seam) in the new version. some startings on no sharp corner in the wall in the new version. Strange.
  3. Hi, See attached: 5.2.1 seam very good placed 5.3.0 seam very bad placed Why no seam paniting like in prusa? The day it will come I celebrate.
  4. No Idea. How can I force Cura to use one speed on outer wall?
  5. Nobody am Idea?! Because I see theese changes and distroys my print in quality! Prusa is also fail, there is material missing on all seams on all my printers.
  6. Hi, I have a big housing with 2 Lines wall. But what I do, the speed changes (shown in picture) never change whatever I do. The layers at which it changes show no sudden shape change to me. Minimum layer time is set to 0. I have no idea.
  7. Hello, see attached. Pulley_HTD-3M-121T.stl
  8. Hi, I want to slice a gear with 0,4 nozzle, but what ever setting I change, the teeth apear to be seperate sliced. If i could say cura how to slice, i would say "please make outer wall including teeth" But do not know how.
  9. The outside shell looks great, even when I print several models in one run. But Infill has a lot of stringing. I think it is because when printing Infill there is no Retraction of fillament. Who can program a Retract when printing Infill command?
  10. Short Update. Because I scaled down high resolution stl model I think it is realy the data bottle neck of the data trafic. Slow down and no stops no more.
  11. Cable break? Connection? Stepps lost because of sticking guidance? Check how easy axis movment is withour motor, or turn motor when off. Turn motor on while move and try to get it hold by fingers to feel how much torque motor has. Apply the same torque when motor off, and feel if guidances are free easy move.
  12. Minimum layer time is set to 0. Layer Speed to 30mm/s. The Model is the ZYYX vase Thingiverse. Scaled down to 60mm hight. Maybee too much data points? Because it occours on top of vase where the circle gets smaler and to acheve the speed, more data points to calculate and then stops because of bottle neck (funny, because I truely have probs in bottle neck 😉 ) What I did is to set all accelerations to 500 mm/^2. Without understanding what it does. But this jerky stops occour while making that smooth circular movement. No fast changes in acceleration or speeds neccesary. It only occours when I increase speed with this knob on the controller (Fr Value) After decresase under 100% it, no more jerky move. I also changed SD Card, but still happens. Does is have to do with limited data calculation of the Creality controller? To make round shape vase is a lot of changes in direction. I read anything in forum. Like jerky speed problems, but there was no clear solution on that problem. I can not belive that a little vase 60mm high only can be printed witn 20mm/s! Afternoon I will make a short video of it. @ Ambassador: are you also in VR communities? Somehow I know your name....
  13. Hello I printed my first vase.Naja, second vase. It is 60mm high, very small. After almost finished I noticed blobs. But also noticed that blobs occur because it shortly stops. After reducing speed the short stops dissapear and blobs dissapear too. In gcode I can not see different parameter during print. What value makes the short stops in cura? I already made minimum layer timt to 0 and minimum layer speed 0 too. Why it stops shortly but after changing speed it stops not shortly? nozle= 0.4 layer high= 0.2 speed= 30
  14. Hello I printed my first vase.Naja, second vase. It is 60mm high, very small. After almost finished I noticed blobs. But also noticed that blobs occur because it shortly stops. After reducing speed the short stops dissapear and blobs dissapear too. In gcode I can not see different parameter during print. What value makes the short stops in cura? I already made minimum layer timt to 0 and minimum layer speed 0 too. Why it stops shortly but after changing speed it stops not shortly? nozle= 0.4 layer high= 0.2 speed= 30
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