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Posts posted by MaxQ

  1. My good, old Ultimaker S5, which has been in use for almost 5 years, always on, suddenly died this night. It completed a print last night. This morning the screen was black, no light, totally dead. I checked the power button, the cable etc, but it's not something external to the printer. Since is not reacting at all to the power button, I guess a fuse has blown.


    Has anyone experienced the same? Any tips on what it could be?



  2. 14 hours ago, tomnagel said:

    Thank you for your elaborate answer. We take your feedback seriously. Maybe we have underestimated the amount of users that use this piece of functionality. 

    Yes, you have paid for a printer with a set of functionality.  You are free to stay on the firmware version that you bought the printer with. I just don’t understand your reasoning that we’re taking things away from you. 


    The reason we want to move away from the management console on the printer is the limited processing power on the printer. The cloud has so much more options. 
    And the decision was made to kill most of the functionality locally on the printer, simply because keeping that working when upgrading other functionality of the printer costs resources. And resources are always scarce.  

    Finally, reliability. We should not have removed this functionality without proper communication.  That was a clear mistake. I apologize for that. 



    I use the local console all the time to re-print, do the maintenance etc. It is so much better than using the small touch screen.


    About loyalty: UM has been a fantastic company. A company I have used as an example to others on how it should be. I can use my own filament. I have to tune the parameters and make it print well. Or, I can pay a little more and get a high quality filament perfectly tuned from UM. It is my choice.


    I have told Formlabs "do as UM does" because it makes me so mad that I they force me to buy the nylon powder from them.


    A couple of years ago I moved from Oslo, the capital of Norway, to the country side. Now I have fresh air, silence, fjords and mountains, and a huge workshop with printers, CNCs etc. What I don't have it stable internet. So every time a company requires products I have bought, with my money, to be dependent on their servers, that is a product that will fail on a regular basis for me. If the product really was dependent on massive computing power... but the UM S5 and the Formlabs Fuse 1 are both totally independent devices. The servers are put in between to keep control, spy on data and try to get us over to a monthly subscription.


    So you see, my problems are two fold: for practical reasons, and for financial / philosophical. Remember one thing: European companies are built on trust. Americans then buy them or merge them, takes advantage of that trust and make them horrible. It has happened with so many Norwegian, Swedish and Danish companies. You will see in your company in as the time is going forward with the Americans taking more important roles: the hints to get things over to server, bit by bit. Cripple Cura for non UM is going to be proposed in meetings. Then, when you have moved functionality over to the servers someone will say in a meeting "these servers -- they are costing us a lot. requiring a subscription would just be fair." So even if it was not your the agenda right now, taking our products from us, making us renting them back, it is what is going to happen. Silently, step by step.


    And then, a new company will pop up, which do respect its customer, like UM used to do.


    • Like 1
  3. This trend is really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, bad for us customers. Functionality is moved from our printers, which we have paid the price of a decent car for, over to the Ultimaker owned web servers. Meaning, they can, at any time, block us from using our equipment. They have recently merged with a US company, that will make this so much worse. 


    I think you should start a parallell firmware, totally independent of servers to be used. Or give us a way to go back to older firmware. 


    I guess, that in a year or two, we won't be able to use our equipment anymore, without paying a monthly fee. Like we must rent what we have already bought.


    This is serious. Very serious.


    • Like 3
  4. The application name has changed from "Ultimaker Cura" to "Ultimaker-Cura" on Mac. So now the automatic integration with Fusion 360 is broken. Also new and old app will exist at the same time if we don't delete the old one manually. 


    It also crashed my computer, like the Windows user above experienced. I agree with other poster, it's an OS bug. But something is triggering it on both Windows and Mac.

  5. My S5 has never worked on Wifi. Exact same issue. Stays on for some minutes. It has been like this on three separate locations with totally different network setup (one corporate office, one home with fiber modem supplied wifi and one house with a home wifi router)


    I have read so many posts here with people experiencing the same. I have never read that anybody has gotten wifi to work on the S5. Is it totally broken? 


    The two last locations I solved it by connecting a LAN cable. But at my current location that is not an option. So back to the old days of USB stick :-/


    It would be so nice if anybody had a fix for the wifi.

  6. S5 and UM3 Wifi is very close to useless. I recommend connecting it to the network via LAN cable. The WiFi seems to only support 2.4GHz, which today is totally saturated. I find it strange that a €7000 product has a $2 WiFi chip.

    That said, if you connect the S5 with a LAN cable, the online functionality is very stable.


    (If UM try to sound this like it is a special case, that is not true. At work, we have a shared lab with 4 Ultimakers, owned by 3 different companies, bought at different times and even in different countries. None of them are able to stay connect to WiFi. However, cheap Chinese equipment, Raspberry Pi, mobile phones and computers connect perfectly to the same network. Just use a cable...)

  7. 24 minutes ago, ahoeben said:

    I'ld still like to know the answer to my questions, either here or in that thread. Also what GPU is in your Mac? Can you post your Cura.log? With 30 seconds to expand a category, there's something going really wrong and perhaps it can be fixed before the more extensive crash handling is added to Cura 4.5.


    - Cura 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4(.1)

    - I have one MacBook Pro 2015 (i5, 8GB, Inten Iris, 512GB SSD) and one MacBook Air 2013 (i7, 8GB, Intel gfx, 512GB SSD). Problem is the same on both.

    - Both machines works very fast in Fusion 360 on large, complex models

    - MacOS 10.14.6

    - The GUI is fast when no model is loaded, so it seems to me that the GUI uses 3D rendering resources. The more complex model loaded, the slower the GUI is, down to 30 seconds respons time per click.


    @SandervG: Yeah, I know the slicer is important, and I spend _a lot_ of time tuning slicer profiles. The reason I want to use something else than Cura, is due to this, because when the GUI is so slow, tuning a lot of parameters just becomes too tedious. Also, I know Slic3er / PrusaSlicer in and out after 6 years of daily use 🙂 


    I think the strategy you use in Ultimaker right now, removing G code commands and instead instructing the printer with commands embedded in comments is a short sighted and bad decision. Microsoft tried to extend HTML this way with programming commands hidden in comments. It did not go well. G-code has a command for setting the temperature, for switching nozzle and so forth. It is an industry wide standard (that I think you might have been a part of defining in the older days). I'm sure there are good reasons why your engineers did it, but the easiest solution isn't always the best.


    The way it is now, the €7000 Ultimaker S5 ended up in my home for hobby use, and we replaced it with a €500 Wanhao D9 combined with OctoPi, in the lab at work. It works like a charm. But I really want to use the S5 more, so I hope Cura 4.5 will solve the performance issue.

  8. 7 minutes ago, nallath said:


    We tried to do this (as it has been suggested quite a few times). Unfortunately, no-one seems willing to then actually test things and report them. We got so little info from this that it just wasn't worth the effort. We might try again some time in the future.




    I think the key to getting test users, is that they feel that they are listened to and that their effort makes the program better.


    Your answers here now, has completely changed my hope of getting Cura to work better (especially since the compatibility mode seems to help). As long as I feel we have good communication, I'm definitely willing to help out test beta versions and give feedback 🙂


    Thanks a lot for answering!


    (You know, I have already payed €7000 for the printer, and really want it be useful. We just replaced the Ultimaker S5 at work with a €500 Wanhao D9, so that we get up to speed again, and I took the S5 home for hobby use).

  9. Just now, nallath said:

    Then I have some good news for you, as that's exactly the bit I've improved (although it was nowhere near as dramatic as you have it). It used to re-render the entire scene when any GUI element needed an update and now it's a fair bit smarter about what it needs to update. 

    You could also try to force the compatibility mode. You can do this by going into preferences and select "force Layer view compatibility mode"


    That is really good news 😄 Looking forward to the next version. Will try the compatibility mode.

  10. 56 minutes ago, nallath said:

    I think it's a definition problem. A general problem is something that occurs during all situations. That was also what my statement was about. 


    That being said, I have made a bunch of speed improvements the past few days. I can't say if those solve the issues (because I don't have them), but it should make things faster in general.


    Thanks for the reply, and sorry if I sounded harsh. I'm just very frustrated, this program I am so dependent on, eating up my workdays.


    I think it is a problem on many Macs. Some more info, if it can help you:


    - I have one MacBook Pro 2015 (i5, 8GB, Inten Iris, 512GB SSD) and one MacBook Air 2013 (i7, 8GB, Intel gfx, 512GB SSD). Problem is the same on both.

    - Both machines works very fast in Fusion 360 on large, complex models

    - MacOS 10.14.6

    - The GUI is fast when no model is loaded, so it seems to me that the GUI uses 3D rendering resources. The more complex model loaded, the slower the GUI is, down to 30 seconds respons time per click.


  11. On 10/10/2019 at 10:10 AM, SandervG said:



    Is there a specific reason why you don't want to use Cura?



    Because it is incredibly slow on both my Mac computers. Up to 30 seconds to expand menu items in the print settings menu. Never under 5 seconds. I'm tuning a lot in slicer settings when I print, and just preparing a model for printing can take 10-15 minutes due to the slow GUI response. It is really, really bad.


    Also it generates inferior results (except supports, which are great in Cura).

  12. On 9/2/2019 at 10:00 AM, nallath said:

    It's not a general software bug, since that would never have cleared QA on our side. For me it takes less than 2 seconds for all settings to load on boot and drop down menus open in 100 ms or something like that. 


    Wow, that is a bold statement. I use Cura 4 on two different Mac computers. It taks up to 30 seconds just to expand some configuration alternatives in the Print Settings menu. And almost never under 5 seconds. I'm tearing my hair out in frustration. Fortunately I have only on of my printers being a Ultimaker, so for all the other ones I can use Slicer. But for the S5, I have to use Cura and it is a really, really, really slow and bad piece of software. I paid €7000 for that machine, due to Cura I hate using it.

  13. 17 hours ago, SandervG said:

    @MaxQ, if you are not satisfied with your Ultimaker S5 please get in touch with our sales partner in your local region. Where are you based? We train our partners so that they are capable of helping you if you would need any support. This could be to solve a technical issue or to learn how to use Cura (which by the way, you are not locked into). 


    Hi, Sander,


    I'm located in Norway. I will make a writeup of all the issues to my dealer.


    I'm not totally locked in to Cura, but you havn't made it easy for others. Your new header system which contains crucial information in comments, needs to be at the top of the file (even when tagged with start/stop) so that including it as "start g-code" in other slicers won't work (they always insert a comment at the file start). I have to manually modify each gcode-file.


    Also the rigidity is terrible. If you have a fine detail in a print, the following extrusion is off place, making terrible stripes in the print. You can have a look at the attachments. Note that I don't expect the small details to be perfect, but I expect the machine to be rigid enough to not lose it's position on a €72.000 machine. This performance is on €290 level.


    The one thins the S5 is really good at, is first layer. The calibration process is accurate and the first layer is perfect every time. That is good. If just the prints it makes could be used...


    Example 1 - sliced with Slic3r.jpg

    Example 2 - Cura - Fine.jpg

  14. The S5 is not a good product. Print quality is much worse then a $600 China printer, WiFi is impossible to get to work, it doesn't take normal gcode, so you are stuck with Cura (it uses a new, small gcode subset). The startup procedure is really bad, reboot time horrible. One of the worst printers I have ever had. It would be a good deal for $1200. Go for a Creality or Wanhao. They are so much better, and cost a fraction.

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