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Posts posted by Johnn

  1. I just tried it but I can still access all the previous profiles I created on my old "machine profile" while selecting the "new machine profile" ... so it still doesn't make it as you can see on the screenshot below @Cuq

    Or maybe is there a way to define which profiles are compatible with a given "machine" ?




  2. That's not what we want. We want to have profiles sorted by material : when you create a material A and then create a profile 1 inside the material A, then create a material B, we want the profile 1 to not being available when selecting material B but to be only available when selecting material A @dsp
    Ideamaker is already doing this, and it's a must have to prevent errors while selecting profile and materials, and it's a gain of productivity.

  3. I think it would be better to put the "relative extrusion mode" in the printer settings section instead of the slicing profile. Maybe also adding a warning while selecting a profile which isn't using the same type of extrusion mode than the printer to ensure retro-compatibilities ...
    At the moment, the defaults profiles are set with absolute extrusion mode, and can't be changed. So each time I use a default profile as a starter to make a new profile I must not forget to change the extrusion to relative, that's kind of a trap that should be easily avoided if the extrusion mode is available in the printer settings.
    Thanks for your time.
    Best regards

  4. Hi,
    I would like to use the firmware retraction of Klipper and generating a retraction tower with Cura with a post-processing script.
    The issue is that there is no such already made script with firmware retraction (or custom command).
    I tried to understand and adapt some cura scripts post processing gcode (I'm new to this).
    I wrote a script but it doesn't work (the script and the parameters are shown in cura, but it don't do anything to the gcode generated by cura), so there should be some errors in the code.
    Is there someone here who is knowledgeable about cura scripts ? Thanks. 
    Here is the code below :
    from ..Script import Script
    from UM.Logger import Logger
    from UM.Application import Application
    import re  # To perform the search
    from typing import List, Tuple
    __version__ = '1.5.1'
    def changement_Z(line: str) -> bool:
        """Check if current line is the start of a layer section.
            line (str): Gcode line
            bool: True if the line is the start of a layer section
        return "G0" in line and "Z" in line
    class a_MYRETRACTTOWER(Script):
        def __init__(self):
        def getSettingDataString(self):
            return """{
                "name": "a_MYRETRACTTOWER",
                "key": "a_MYRETRACTTOWER",
                "metadata": {},
                "version": 2,
                        "label": "Starting retraction value",
                        "description": "the starting value of the Tower retraction.",
                        "type": "float",
                        "default_value": 0.1
                        "label": "Increment",
                        "description": "the value of increment retraction",
                        "type": "float",
                        "default_value": 0.2
                        "label": "Starting retraction height",
                        "description": "the starting value of the Tower retraction.",
                        "type": "float",
                        "default_value": 1
                        "label": "height by retraction",
                        "description": "the value height before incrementing retraction",
                        "type": "float",
                        "default_value": 5
        def execute(self, data):
            debut_ret = self.getSettingValueByKey("debut_ret")
            inc_ret = self.getSettingValueByKey("inc_ret")
            debut_hauteur = self.getSettingValueByKey("debut_hauteur")
            inc_hauteur = self.getSettingValueByKey("inc_hauteur")
            temporaire_data = []
            i = 0
            ret = debut_ret
            for line in data:
                hauteur_cible = debut_hauteur + i*inc_hauteur
                temporaire_data = temporaire_data.append(line)
                if not "G0" in line or not "Z" in line:
                hauteur_line = self.getValue(line, "Z")
                if hauteur_line < hauteur_cible:
                insertion_code = "MY_RETRACTION_TOWER RETRACT_LENGTH="+str(ret)
                temporaire_data = temporaire_data.append(insertion_code)
                i = i + 1
                ret = debut_ret + i * inc_ret
            data = temporaire_data
            return data
  5. I didn't use Cura for a while, and now I need to deactivate the option "automatically drops models to the build plate" to keep two STL files at their right positions (one of them is to print supports). I deactivated it but there is no effect on the actual behavior when I drag and drop STL files in the widow : it puts the two STL next to each other on the buildplate instead of putting them at their right place ...
    Do someone happened to have this bug too ?
    Best regards

  6. si tu dois absolument choisir ta hauteur de couche, tu peux utiliser Ideamaker, c'est super pour ça ! Après la gestion des supports est moins paramétrable que sous Cura ... 😞 j'ai pas encore trouvé de slicer "parfait", mais un slicer qui serait un mix de Cura et de Ideamaker serait parfait !

  7. I would like to change the orientation of the supports at two differents place of the same part.
    For example I'm printing a custom fan carriage, I would like the left place of the part to be print with the value 45 for the parameter "support infill line directions", and the right place of the same part with the value "135" for this same parameter.

    I hope there is a way to do that on the same part, with some plugin maybe ? There is, isn't it ?

    I put some screenshots :

    good supports orientation for left place : (value 45°)


    good supports orientation for right place (value 135°)


    what I would like to get :

    what I can only obtain : (with value 135°)

    Thank you !


  8. Hi,
    I'm having some "gape issue" : there is gapes at the places where the hotend stop printing and travel to print part of the 3d file.
    I though it was a retraction issue, but I tried many settings and it didn't fix this. I tried some bigger wipe wall/infill distance too, and some differents settings for the seams, but this is still not working well (and I don't have coasting enabled). This is happening every time there is travel move, not only on layer changing. Does someone has some idea how to fix this ? Thanks

  9. Yesterday I printed some easy file from my computer (of 5 hours print), but cura crashed in the middle of the print (I was doing many things on the pc at this moment), so I decided to export the gcode on the microSD card and then print it directly on the printer. But this time the print quality was really poor and the infill way worse and more dense than it was meant to, see the comparison between it on the photo (on bottom this is the print of the pc).
    My motherboard is some cheap one of anet, so I think it's the reason of it, don't you think ? Or is there another reason that I didn't think ?

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