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Everything posted by MartinD

  1. OK I found a solution/hack: I cura under "Build Plate Adhesion" add a "Skirt" using the extruder you want to have for the textlayer. This material will be printed first for the skirt and therefore first for your textlayer.
  2. I have tried it with different loading orders in the cura versions 3.6.0 and 4.4.0, but it always starts with the first extruder. Also the order of the assignment of the material/extruder didn't change that behaviour. Following procedures (1-3) yielding to identical routings: 1) a) Load textlayer-object b) Load other Object c) assign textlayer-object to the second extruder 2) a) Load other Object b) Load textlayer-object c) assign textlayer-object to the second extruder 3) a) Load textlayer-object b) assign textlayer-object to the second extruder c) Load other Object
  3. For clarification. I am using a Ultimaker 3 with dual extrusion. The printed object in question consists of two STL files. One file is assigned to the first extruder and the other to the second extruder. The problem in this case is that one file is a text, which is also embedded by the other. When I assign the text to the first extruder it will be printed first in the first layer, which is what I want. But if I assign the text to the second extruder it will be printed second and the result is not good. The settings in Cura are exactly the same. So the question is: Is there an option in Cura (or a hack) so that the printing will start with the second extruder?
  4. Hi! I have a two material object. One material is used as a text layer and needs to be printed first in the first layer. Cura always starts with the first extruder. So if I invert the materials the text layer would be printed second. I could physically change the filaments but that is inconvinient. How can I tell Cura to start with the second extruder? Thanks!
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