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Everything posted by remiol

  1. GR5 - thank you for your detailed repsonse! It will help me and other people for sure. I already received bondtech - print quality is now awesome! I am only disappointed (maybe I shouldnt) that I can not print 80mm/s on 0,4nozzle and 0,3 layer height - some under extrusion still visible on temp 220°C (PLA Colorfill). It is normal or should I trying to find the issue? When I was connecting the feeder I saw that my motherboard is brown in few places, I think its from step sticks, it is normal? Below photo.
  2. Person which sold me 3d printer replaced it during by presence. Plastic tube was not bad as I remember, but tomorrow I will check once again. I dont know really what can be other issue than extruder... olsson block issue? I dont think so...
  3. Thanks for info, good to know. I have problems with 60mm/s, 0,4nozzle and 0,2 layer. Its 4,8mm3/s. When I am trying 0,1 layer, it is OK, but not with all materials. I am cleaning from time to time the nozzle with cold/hot pull. I had similar problems on ender 3 pro, solved by metal extruder for 5$. What is your opinion? What can be other root cause of under extrusion? I must print very slow to do not have under extrusion.
  4. Thank you very much for your info! I will think about this once again. What is max speed in mm/s on 0,4 nozzle and height 0,3? Are you able to achieve speed 120mm/s on bondtech or medusa? Please only note that I see that my stock extruder does not have enough power - worned motor/extruder? I tried to put by octoprint 50mm extrusion, but I see (measured by calipper), filament moved less than 45mm on very low speed (on higher speed it is worse) - I can see that few milimeters extruder does not have enough power and filament was not moving always. Whats your opinion? When I print slow - all is OK.
  5. I dont want to spent much money, but if bondtech set is worth it, I can buy, but I expect perfect exxtrusion, on all my printers (chinese ender, cr10 and um2) I have problems with extrusion. My colleague told me that is much better than from UM2+, on bondtech he is able to print simple elements 120mm/s. What is your opinion? Did you try it? I am searching something to improve the cooling of the print due to fact that I have very poor overhangs near the bed (2cm above the bed is much, much better) - I print PLA with 60° on the bed. Did you have similar problems? I have olsson block, so I dont need upgrade "+".
  6. Thank you! it helped. Now I would like to know if those modification will be good for my UM2, or maybe you have other proposals what to change or something additional: 1. Fan bracket change for the same as in UM2+ - it will work? I recognized poor cooling. 2. New fans for cooling print - the same as in stock UM2? after 1,6k hours i think that it will be good to replace both of them what do you think? Maybe you know better fans in this size? 3. New fan for hotend - replacemant for Sunon (stock is very, very noisy, massacre): 4. Last modification - bondtech extruder - maybe next month (expensive modification). With new motor from UM2+ (complete set from Bondtech). 5. Touchscreen for Raspberry PI (now I have only rasp PI without touchscreen. I found it here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2207689.
  7. The same print on Ender 3 pro - retraction normally. Here I have the line which looks very bad. The same on the top layers, no retraction at all in few places. What should I change to enable retraction similar to Ender? I was trying to find all settings connected with retraction but now I have no idea how to solve it.
  8. Hello again, I made many tests and trials on different material and I came to conlsuion that those defects which I had are coming from bad material, please look at below photos - what you you think? Everything is OK or you see some defects? Prints are very similar to my Ender 3 pro. I have other issue - I can not understand why machine dont retract always. Sometimes I see when distances are very long, but now always - it is coming from settting from cura - can you support me what should i change? My settings: retraction distance 5mm retraction speed 45mm/s retraction at layer change - OFF retraction minimum travel 0,8mm retraction extra prime amount 0 maximum retraction count 100 max comb distance with no retract 30. Attached photo with the problem on raspberry pi casing print - arrow places where should be retracted and machine does not do this. This wole line should be retracted! I dont know why machine is not doing this (and even not trying -I will hear jumping of the stepper). My ender is retracting this normally.
  9. Thank you, I am from Poland, so I will need to find it locally. I will make a post in few days what I tried and results.
  10. Yes I know, but I need only step motor to extruder from UM2+. Do you know where I can buy it? I found only motors to standard UM2, not +. Or maybe you know what is the specification of this motor? I am thinking if should I combine stepper motor from 2+ with bondtech or trianglelab, but probably I will choose cheaper trianglelab.
  11. Hello, I already replace this teflon part and I have olsson block. After cleaning is quite better, but I would like to replace the extruder. Do I need to buy motor from 2+? Or standard from UM2 is enough?
  12. Hello, I have Ultimaker 2 (standard, without "+") and I have big problems with extrusion with not standard material or with fast speed. I would like to make upgrade to Bondtech or trianglelab extruder. Please let me know if Bondtech is worth to pay 4x more than trianglelab? Or triangle lab is good enough? I would like to also know if I need to buy new stepper motor to extruder (from 2+) or stock from UM2 will be enough? I can not find anywhere this stepper to buy. Please let me know how to proceed with that. By the way upgrade kit official from Ultimaker is not good enough for my needs. My second problem: very noise fan which is cooling heatblock - how and on what can I replace it? Thanks in advance for your support. Best regards. Remy
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