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Everything posted by Ray11

  1. After some more investigation, it seemed like when printing a part with two materials, Cura will turn off the inactive nozzle after it finished all moves (M104 T1 S0). However, when using a second nozzle as support, Cura will set it to the standby temperature after it finished all moves instead of turning it off. I know it is a huge achievement and no easy task to write Cura. I really appreciate any help. Thanks
  2. Hello! I am printing with Cura 4.5 with a Duet 3 controller board. I am experiencing problems after the left nozzle finished the support structure, it did not turn off and remain at printing temperature for the rest of the print. It would be ideal if it can turn off after finishing all of the support to prevent filament from degrading inside the nozzle. Is there a setting to enable this or is there something I did not configure correctly? Recently, Cura sometimes let the second extruder move to X0Y0 in layer 2 for no reason. I also pasted the settings that causes this problem. I really appreciate any support! 😀 axle.gcode idex.curaprofile problem_with_random_start_at_0.3mf problem_with_random_start_at_0.curaprofile problem_with_random_start_at_0.gcode
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