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  1. Hey guys, @GregValiant Bingo!!! I changed the inital layer height to 0.15mm like you said, and it helped but still not a 100% so I lowered it further to 0.12mm and this worked like a charm! @Mari I also played around with nozzle and bed temperature like you suggested, and I think I've found a sweet spot where the adhesion is just perfect. Thank you both for your help and suggestions, I'm done pulling my hair out 😄 Another small issue though, does anyone know what causes these blobs/ridges (see pic)? I had the same issue with the printer I was using before (MP Select Mini V2) this as well and haven't managed to figure out how to fix it.
  2. @Mari Did you also use Cura to slice? Would you mind sending over the gcode-file that you sliced of my STL-file?
  3. @GregValiant Flow was previously at 95%, but I've changed it to 100% and tried printing again - I don't think it changed much... I've double checked that the filament size is right, same with my nozzle size (0.2). I've noticed that it keeps messing up at the exact same spots though, which are these corners (see attached). When the nozzle extrudes at these corners, it kind of leaves it curled up so it doesn't adhere, and then later goes over it and pushes it aside/drags it along. @Mari I'm not so sure if nozzle and/or bed temperature is the issue here, as I've successfully printed other files at my current nozzle and bed temp with no issue. In any case, I've just tried printing at 210 deg as well - but still the same problem.
  4. Hey Mari, here's the STL-file. arch.stl
  5. Hi GregValiant, thanks for the above suggestions. I printed a bed level test file that I downloaded from Thingiverse, and that turned out alright, as you can see from the attached picture. I then tried printing a different file than the one I printed yesterday (but also sliced with Cura), the two lines in Mari's gcode came out fine, as well as the skirt of the print. But as it started laying down the first layer of the actual product, everything goes haywire and the nozzle pushes the filament aside as nothing stuck! I've tried using hairspray before with this bed, and in my opinion it just made things worse. Besides, all other files (that are not mine) seem to print fine without any adhesion problems. So I assume the issue is with my files...if anyone wants to have a go at printing a file from me, I've also attached it. You don't have to print the whole thing, just the first few layers to see if it will stick. CE3PRO_arch.gcode
  6. Hi Mari, firstly thanks for your reply and for the start and end codes. I don't use the magnetic flex buildplate that came with my printer as it was so warped I could not level the bed, so I swapped to using a Creality glass bed instead. I just tried printing one of my files using your start and end codes but it doesn't seem to work with my printer either, and I just don't understand what the problem could be. You can see what I mean in the picture attached. It's just not adhering to the surface at all. I print with the hot-end heated at 200 deg, and build plate at 60 deg. The dog and cat prints that came with the memory card were even programmed to print with the bed at 45 deg and even that stuck well. Any ideas?
  7. Hello Fireowl87, I got my Ender 3 Pro about a week or so ago and am facing the exact same problem as you did. When I printed the test files that came with the memory card (dog and cat), they came out perfect. However, when I start to print my own files (sliced with Cura), they do not stick to the bed at all and I have tried everything - glue stick, hairspray, changing the initial layer height...to no avail. I've also tried using the start and end gcode you pasted above, but it doesn't seem to work? Could you please once again copy and paste your start and end code exactly as you have it?
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