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Everything posted by vsardenberg

  1. hello! The fans are working. If I flip printcores and print PVA in printcore 1 and PLA in printcore 2, it seems to be fine. Any guesses?
  2. I already changed the princore, the bowden tube, cleaned the material feeder servo box. It printed super well a 3 days print. Yesterday, when I started a new print, the same problem occur: it starts printing well and then underextrude:
  3. Hi Smithy, We already replaced the bowden tube. When you push the filament manually, it goes through easily.
  4. I am runing into constant under extrusion with my UM3. The nozzle is cleaned and I tried a new Print Core. Everything so far with no noticeable changes. The first layer is just a mess with way to little material being extruded. The extruder itself appears to be working properly. It is grinding away the material. The nozzle definetly gets hot but maybe not hot enough? The macheine says it reaches the desired printing tempretature of 215°C. I am runing an identical machine next to it with the exact same settings and it is working properly. It might be an issue with the print head board, because everything else (the Print Core, Extruder, Bowden Tube, Filament and Settings) is as far as I can tell fine. I took apart the head of the printer but could not find any visible issues. Currently my next step would be to buy a new print head board. Are there any steps you can recommend, that I could try before?
  5. Hi SandervG, That is it. You nailed it. Thank you and have a great weekend! (btw: our nicknames are pretty similar!)
  6. Hello, I am facing a new issue with my good and old Ultimaker 3. When I send a new print, active leveling starts as usual. It tests Printcore 2, shifts to 1, test again and, when shifting to Princore 2 again, it hits the white piece in the right wall in a wrong position and fails to move Princore 2 nozzle down, leveling it again touching printcore 1 nozzle in the bed. The interesting fact is that if I go to settings -> Build plate -> Active leveling, it runs the leveling correctly. But, if I send a new print, I face the above mentioned issue. Right now I set the active leveling to run once a week to be able to print. However, I would like to fix it to be able to level before every print. Thank you in advance, Victor Sardenberg
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