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  • 3D printer
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  1. Thanks, I'll give that a try. I hadn't tried to save the project and then reopen. I kept reopening the STL file. I was using TinkerCad if it matters. I haven't taken the plunge into Fusion360 yet.
  2. Greg, Can you upload a picture of what you're referring to with the aluminum edge locators? I think I get what you're saying, but i'd like to see it.
  3. Thank You. I'm glad you guys can reproduce the issue and its not just me. Hopefully 4.8.1 will be out soon with a fix
  4. So I'm also having this issue. I have a MBP 16", 2.6GHz 6 Core i7 with 32GB of memory. Big Sur 11.0.1. I Just upgraded to 4.8 and I can't select the objects. If I clear out my mac cache it works for about 2 min and then when i try to manipulate, it goes away. I have no third party packages installed at all. Any ideas from anyone?
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