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Posts posted by mcmuffin6o

  1. Damn, that's really annoying. I appreciate you going through my files though, and my search is narrowed. Maybe I'll try updating the firmware again, I want to get rid of the primer line that marlin enables by default anyways, because it does not account for nozzle diameter and if I wanted to do finer prints I would prolly take a dookie on my extruder motor before it even got started.


    Thanks again!!

  2. On 2/28/2021 at 4:56 PM, GregValiant said:

    The problem keeps coming up but your exact problem is different.  You can search around here for other threads.  It's fine to discuss it here but there isn't much help because it isn't a Cura issue.  I have an Ender 3 Pro and so does Mari here.  We tend to pay attention to the threads that discuss printers like ours.

    I tried to chase this down for a couple of weeks late last year.  I ended up at the Marlin Github site and they basically threw me out because Creality took the firmware and made it proprietary.  The Marlin people are not happy with Creality.  There was one poster here (4.4.2 board by btw) who said that a firmware change fixed the problem, but he never explained what firmware.  I tried to message him/her but didn't get a response.

    At any rate, the 4.4.x board coupled with the Thin Film Transistor LCD display has issues.  The problem lies between the mainboard and the firmware running the display.  I think your best bet is to go to the Creality site and try to get them to explain.  There are a lot of posts on Reddit about this issue as well.  I have not come across a solution there either.  The Ender 3's and 3Pro's being produced now don't seem to have the problem with M0/M1.  It was a 3 to 5 month run of production when Creality ran out of mainboards and (I believe) was throwing in whatever they had laying around.  Maybe they tried a firmware patch and it wasn't enough (because within Marlin there are specific callouts for TFT displays).  They don't say much so it's really hard to tell.  Your display is dated July of last year.  That's right in the period I'm talking about.

    This was me, sorry. I replied in that thread just now. After updating the firmware I should also mention that I have to manually pause when the print head moves out of the way and manually resume from the screen interface. I also started encountering layer shift issues though unfortunately... Is there any general advice you have for ender 3 pro owners that might fix some of my problems? I am a full time aerospace engineering student and would like to spend less time fixing my printer than printing with it, since I don't have much spare time as it is. I am tempted to give up and buy a quality machine.

  3. My Ender 3 Pro shifts on the y-axis only for certain prints in certain configurations, but when it shifts, it does so consistently, indicating that it is likely a software problem. Attached are pictures of three attempts to print an A and an L. I have laid them out as I printed them to show the effects of my rearrangement within the software. The last attempt I let run all the way until the stop at layer command I put in post-processing, but the other two I stopped as soon as they shifted. I am printing translucent red PETG on a 1 mm nozzle with the attached speed settings. I'd appreciate some help with this! Thank you all so much in advance. 


    Shifted A and L Three Attempts.jpg

  4. 21 hours ago, Mari said:

    ... there are some problems with the "Pause at Height" prost-processing script... Instead of using "at height" try "layer no"...


    Some advice, do more layer than just only one to "cover" the magnets...


    Good Video that explains PauseAtHeight... just don't change filament 😉



    I did what was shown in the video and it didn't work unfortunately

  5. On 12/28/2020 at 6:22 AM, GregValiant said:

    Yes, PauseAtHeight doesn't work well if you select "at height" but should work as expected when "by Layer" is selected.  The "gcode flavor" determines what Cura uses as the actual pause command.  For my Ender with Marlin firmware "M0" works.  For other printers it might be M25 or M226, or M1.  It all depends on the firmware.


    If you are using Z-hops in Cura then "by height" doesn't work because the Z keeps moving up and down in the gcode file.  If you are using Adaptive Layers then Cura is adjusting the layer height to the model and the chances of you entering a Z value that is actually present in the file isn't good.

    Aha, so I did in fact select "by layer." I also tried M0 as the Marlin index said M1 was deprecated. I shall try M1.

  6. Howdy Y'all!


    I can't get my Ender 3 Pro to pause to allow me to insert magnets into my prints. I use the post-processing pause at height feature and set it to the last layer I want printed before insertion, but it only moves the nozzle out of the way for a few seconds before resuming. This wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have a lot of magnets to insert, but I simply cannot get them in on time and would rather not have to stare at my printer for hours to try.


    Any help is much appreciated! I read some things here and there about firmware already, so if that's the case is there a guide to tinkering with that?


    Thanks so much!

  7. On 3/21/2020 at 12:09 AM, Smashby said:

    I've since updated my TFT to Bigtreetech TFT35 V3 as well as my board to a SKR 1.4 Turbo. Had some very smart people help me tweak Marlin and now I am pausing at height. It's all about the TFT screen


    Would you mind explaining a little further? What does TFT stand for? What do you mean by "board?" Which Marlin tweaks did you make? I am having the same problem and would like to figure it out.

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