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Everything posted by dmcneil77

  1. THANKS! That fixed it! I usually don't display every setting because I only use a few of them on a regular basis. After I made every setting visible, I noticed quite a few that were activated. Spiralize Outer Contour was activated as well. I appreciate your help and getting back to me so quickly!
  2. The bottom is showing, as well as all sides of the cube except for the top. I'll check the Spiralize Outer Contour setting. Hopefully that's what it is.
  3. UPDATE: I just tried printing a 40mm XYZ Calibration cube and it is hollow. Just the bottom and outer walls printed. No Infill and no Top. What am I missing here? I've looked over all of my settings and nothing has changed since I updated to 4.13.0. Any ideas are welcome, because without infill, my printer is useless.
  4. Hi everyone. I just installed 4.13.0, upgrading from 4.12.0. When I go to preview mode after slicing a print, the infill is not being displayed. I have resliced some old files that I know have infill, but there is nothing. Also, for models that definitely have a top, like a 40mm Calibration Cube, the top layer is not displayed. The preview basically looks like it has zero infill and no top, like it's just a hollow box. I have gone to settings and checked the "Force Layer View Compatibility Mode" box, as I saw that solution in a previous thread. I've restarted Cura, but to no avail. Infill and top layer simply will not display in Preview Mode. Please let me know if you need further information for a solution to this.
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