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Everything posted by OldNick

  1. I have just had one part of a model fail during printing. The model was a 5 hour print, built solid for strength: the failed part was les than an hour. I struggled in Mesh Mixer to get a usable object by selecting the part and then separating it. Then I found out that an old version of Cura was able to do this in single keystroke and had a usable part. Why on earth was this removed? Nick
  2. On my 4th print with the above setup, I tried the file Running_horse.stl, Just to boldly go etc. I sliced it stock as far as I can remember (still learning), then started the print. The print started OK and even managed to the top of the legs. Then it went mad. I came to check it and found that behind the right front leg there was a tangle of filament that reminded me, as much anything, of a cat's hair ball. I paused, cleared it away and tried again. Same result. I watched from the other side and saw that the print head was waving about in the air between all of the legs, laying down filament. It seemed to actually print, but in midair. My wife did comment that she was wondering how it was going to do the stomach and maybe she is correct. So. Where to from her, if anyone can help? Any help most appreciated. Thanks Nick
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