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Everything posted by superiorknightz

  1. edit: the extra z axis did help but it was all the eccentric nuts, make sure you can move them with little force, not you trying to open a bottle of soda but a little lighter than that SOLVED just added another z axis, printed a spacer for the bottom of the z motors at 1.4mm and leveled both sides with corner levels(post pipe levels) from lowes. Added a washer to the nuts towards the back side inside of the new z axis lead screw bracket and done. I made sure both lead screws were at the right distance from both z axis bars and no more sag. this is the z axis i ordered : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08RJDW5W6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I printed a tower to check sag or any other faults and it came out clean😁 Thank you Greg for all the support and the gcode is clutch for troubleshooting🙏
  2. Print speed was 100mms, z hop wasn't enabled, should I run a test with z hops or is this one of many conditions of having a 3d printer?
  3. I did the lag test and yes it did sag each time. How I leveled it before this test right after I reassembled the printer and did one rotation of bed leveling and auto home and did it again and auto home and so on, but if I kept on doing rotations and didn't auto home after one rotation it would sag. BUTTT what boggles my mind is this THIISSS how is it perfect no stringing no dips and its 20mm all around I measured it with calipers. I'm... I don't know??? I still haven't installed the other z axis I just arrived home said screw it and printed the calibration cube and it came out perfect.... Do you see anything wrong, anything I'm not seeing?
  4. @GregValiant very, very true and yes I agree I hate throwing money and hoping it fixes the problem and mind you I'm new to 3d printers. I'm excited to learn and understand all the mechanics of it. I'll try this out and I also found another post about the problem I'm having but in a different format post https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/bi4dnf/what_is_happening_to_my_bottom_several_layers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf and the first comment by Nenotriple clarified and sums up what is happening in the most simplest of terms: "To boil down exactly what's happening: The Z screw is turning and moving the left side of the X gantry up, (side with extruder) but the right side is either bound or loose. The Z axis keeps going up, but the nozzle height only changes when the slack is gone. That's why everything is perfect after those layers, except the cube you printed is short."
  5. everytime I try to level it when I go to the the bottom left corner and so on and come back to that corner the z axis drops about .1 mm each go around, it used to drop more than that, this is the lowest I've got it to drop by and cant stop it... still nothing, I squared everything off with a t square and tightened everything precisely, I watched these and did one by one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABpGXcy-cuI&t=931s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDm9OziZ6dY did what this site recommended which was part of the first video https://3dsolved.com/ender-3-x-axis-sagging-how-to-solve/ mind you I've check numerous sites and videos and these above explained everything properly and were the most up to date. I ordered another z axis making it a dual and seeing if that will fix the problem
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