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Everything posted by leoshusar

  1. Hi, when I have tree supports and only on buildplate, Cura generates support like this: When I activate supports everywhere, it grows one more from the model and supports everything: If I set "tree support branch angle" from 40 to 45, it also fixes it, but it's again only one tree: Why doesn't Cura generate one more tree on the right side which would connect with the left tree? Any tips for this? Thank you!
  2. Thank you! This works too and is closer to what I would expect 🙂 Before (0.8 mm): After (0.6 mm):
  3. Thank you, this works. But I still wonder if there is better solution than increasing the wall count... I would expect Cura do it's best to not create any holes without any settings.
  4. Hi! How can I convince Cura to generate this part without that little hole? I was curious how Prusa Slic3r handles it and it puts there bigger surface area. Is there any setting or something that will fix this? Thank you!
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