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Everything posted by Waynepro

  1. I recently started to see my Cura v4.13.1 responding slowly to menu selects, and the app was using up to 30% of the processing power. Long story short, the problem was with a 3rd party plugin called: Sidebar GUI v4.2.2 by fieldOfView Simply, disabe or uninstall it from the Marketplace (button top right of the Cura display, select the tab named Installed and deselect the check box or click Uninstall) If you have an ultimaker account and restore any of your previous backups, its likely that it will re-enable/install this plugin, so if you do this remember to go back and disable/uninstall it and create a new backup. In addition, if you do uninstall it and have account syncing enabled, you'll get a prompt each time you open Cura to sync and re-install it. To stop this prompt each time, select Sync and on next screen there is a decline and uninstall from my account option. ..and from one Sidebar to another...😗 I've noticed ppl getting upset about this on previous posts, and it happens on other community forums too - "just a polite request from me to the world - this is just a 1st world problem - lets show some love and kindness to each other, because god knows there's far too much hatred already in this world" "peace & love"
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