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Everything posted by frink

  1. Hello, im having some issues with kobra max bed leveling, i see after leveling corners still touching bed and different between corners could be different. I just launched octoprint bed vizualizer and getting this: Kobra max doesnt have any springs for bed leveling, so how i should level it?
  2. Hi, i just sliced this model and seems everything ok (added photo) which version cura do you use?
  3. Hello, i dont know why but mostly time top and bottom are wider than body with this specific model (adding foto). Any suggestion? Model: Problem then printed i getting these results:
  4. I think i solved problem: i was using bltouch before every print in gcode, now i calibrate once and leave it alone, now i have ~10 prints on each ender 3v2 and prints are good. But i having other issue about ender 3 s1 which firmware i should use? I dont find any similar marlin like i use ender 3v2 (it has good interface for leveling) I found this, is this good for ender 3 s1? https://github.com/mriscoc/Ender3V2S1/releases/tag/20221002 And if this firmware are good i should use UBL or without UBL?
  5. But im not using z stopper on any printer, i use only bltouch. I should install z stopper and use bltouch at the same time?
  6. Im using cura ant prusa slicer but dont use any z offset settings on it. The number of z offset are same but nozzle push plate hard after print. Sometimes even after setting z offset with paper everything ok, i press home and try check one more time and wrong.
  7. Hello, i have Two ender 3v2 modification: 2 z axis bltouch upgraded springs marlin software One ender 3 s1 (everything original) And having problem on all printers, after making mesh and setting z offset seems everything ok and prints are perfect, but if i try launch another print z offset already changed and nozzle touch the bed. Z axis perfectly calibrated, bet tight and not moving, x axis stable. Any suggestion?
  8. I added your stl to cura but still having that curvy:
  9. Can you upload result foto where no z seam? because i tried your settings and change deviation, still getting z seam. Other artefacts gone after i changed to another filament but z seam still exist i dont know why but i having this at cura (adding foto) this is 186 layer and it should be straight but it is curvy
  10. I tried you 3mf file to print, but still i have XY seam on same spots. How to make perfect spiral mode with cura, or it is problem when making model?
  11. Im not using remove all holes. I just added original stl of top part to that site and got this: -> In queue. Waiting before you in the queue: 0 (refreshing each second) -> Reading file and indexing vertices -> Analysed your file: --> 0 Naked edges (?) --> 0 Planar holes (?) --> 0 Non-planar holes (?) --> 0 Non-manifold edges (?) --> 0 Inverted faces (?) --> 0 Degenerate faces (?) --> 0 Duplicate faces (?) --> 0 Disjoint shells (?) -> Repairing: 100.00% ----- Repair completed in 40657ms ------ -> Vertex count changed from 175500 to 175590 (+90) -> Triangle count changed from 350996 to 351176 (+180) Then i printing others models im using smooth spiralise and i think because of that i cant see any seam, but in this model i cant use smooth, so how can i avoid seam problem (adding foto)
  12. Im adding file. Model are made from 2 parts top and bottom, For Top needed to set Z - 2 and for bottom needed to set mesh bottom layers 10 Layer height 0.2 Nozzle 0.8 CE3PRO_BangiukasBottom.3mf
  13. Hello, im having trouble with vase mode seam ant some artefacts marked on foto. Im using ender 3v2 Material PETG 230C nozzle 80C bed Any suggestions?
  14. Hello, im having problem with vase mode straight line and only one side left (added foto - marked red) I tried recalibrate printer, having same pattern of lines Ender 3v2 marlin bltouch double z-axis I'm using cura 4.13.1 smooth spiralize turned off 0.8 mm nozzle 0.2 layer height wall speed 25
  15. Maximum resolution was 0.25 i changed to 0.4 and now look good (adding photo) just now i have some little white holes, but i guess this is filament problem? (marked blue) And still have these lines, but i see pattern is different because i used 200C and this new print was 210C so maybe this mostly filament problem or i can do something about that?
  16. Im using SD card and have M413 S0 command for gcode
  17. Hello, can someone explain me why vase mode printed lamp creating some darker and lighter paths (marked blue), only can see when its turned on (adding photos) Another problem making some blobs (marked red) Im using Ender 3 v2 + cura 4.13.1
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