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Everything posted by MBee

  1. Hey, I finally managed to make it "work"! But I ran into another issue: The new profile interferes with 3DPrintColorizer's post-processing script. The preset I conjured with your help does not allow it to add any gcode - it generates gcode that uses only the main extruder, so it does not paint anything. The .curaprofile attached on the github repo produces valid gcode - but the prints are of extremely poor quality (even without painting). Editing the values that should be edited according to the wiki did not help.
  2. Thanks for an idea! I'm trying to implement this: https://github.com/Sakati84/3DPrintColorizer So the total number is 7 (actual extruder + 6 pens).
  3. Hi, I added more extruders to my printer (Ender 3 v2). I would like to use the basic "Ender 3 pro" preset, as it still works perfectly after modifications. Cura thinks you can't have multiple extruders on that printer and does not allow adding them. I need to add my new extruders in Cura, which is not possible. I tried tailoring the "Custom FFF Printer" preset, but could not get it to work. Is there a way to add more extruders to a "fixed num of extruders" preset? Can I somehow copy the preset's settings to a "NOT fixed num of extruders" preset?
  4. It's a hacky script I programmed in C++. Basically, it generates cubes and glues them together in a pre-defined way. there are ~5 stl files, each containing a different model - they all have a different color Not sure what you mean. They are supposed to touch each other's walls (they share coordinates), but nothing is supposed to intersect. I'm using RMB->"Merge Models" to put them in position. I installed the extension and messed around with it: The models are not watertight (Which, looking at my code, should be impossible - I guess It's because I ignored wrong-side vertices?) "Fix simple holes" responds with "The mesh needs more extensive repeair to become watertight" "Fix model normals" "randomizes" locations of red vertices, but does not remove them (picture):
  5. It's unchecked - my Mesh fixes settings are on the screenshots. I uncheked "Union overlapping volumes" and got the hole to show up when the object is left alone. However, once I inserted a yellow cube inside the object - it gets filled up again This appears to look like it should - The yellow cube is not overlapping.... ...buit if we go just 2 layers down, we can see that the closer red object is still getting closed!
  6. I have a part that has a hole in the middle: Note that it is generated by a program that does not render directions of triangles properly, but generally works, especially in Slic3r, but I need to use Cura. So when I slice it, I want it to look like this (screenshot taken in Slic3r): ....but Cura closes that hole. What can I do? I'm attaching the .stl file. EX1.stl
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