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Everything posted by Electricfuse

  1. Anyone have any idea why halfway through my prints the filament just starts not sticking to the previous layers and just starts to clump up together around the nozzle resulting in a mound of plastic around the nozzle and a a detatched print?
  2. Ok, I had 10% infill, but print called for 0. But that sounds right will try again
  3. Anyone know what causes there to be gaps in the top of prints?
  4. Thanks for the advice, I think it may have just been the parts being too small and not having enough surface area since I tried to just print with a brim and it completed.
  5. How do I prevent this from happening? I can get maybe like half of the first layer printed before it just starts clumping and dragging the rest of the first layer with it. I leveled the bed using a piece of printer paper to where it can pass under the nozzle with very little resistance.
  6. When I print anything with a infill, when the nozzle is travelling over infill, it always drags over/hits them. How can I fix this in Cura settings? I currently have combing turned on.
  7. Im a beginner to 3D printing and i'm not sure what causes rough/uneven layers. What settings should I change in Cura?
  8. I have a model here, And i'm wondering if there is any way to have the layer underneath the triangles to be infill rather than solid. So instead of like 10 layers, its 2 layers of filament, then 6 layers of infill, then cap it off with 2 layers of filament. So it uses less material to print and it prints quicker
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