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  • 3D printer
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  1. Good morning! Please Help! I'm having the same (or a similar) problem with my profiles. I'm new to 3D printing and have searched countless YouTube videos and websites to find this answer but to no avail. I have tried to tweak a profile but when I switch to another profile it asks me to keep or discard changes. When I choose to keep changes and switch to a different profile, those changes have also changed the second profile. For example: I change the Standard print quality profile Material Printer setting to 205 (from 200). I then click on the Low Quality profile and notice that it's printer temperature has also changed to 205 from 200, which is what I don't want. When I click from profile to profile it continues to ask me if I want to keep or discard changes. If I keep them, it changes all profiles. To try to alleviate this, I changed the setting to Keep and Never Ask Me Again. However, this doesn't fix the issue. When I change the temperature setting in one profile it changes all of them. How can I tweak one profile without changing the settings in another profile. Thank you for any help I your can provide.
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