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Posts posted by Armatron

  1. So I have been doing temp towers, retraction towers, and now I'm on bridge test. So i am in need of some help on trying to dial this in.  Thanks.



    LulzBot Mini

    Estimated Print Time:

    29 m 7s


    Profile: Fine Filament: Generic PLA Objects: Bridge Test Move: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z Scale: 86.3515 x, 45.6052 y, 20.2 z Settings: Quality Layer Height: 0.2 mm Line Width: 0.5 mm Walls Wall Line Count: 2 Top/Bottom Top Thickness: 0.8 mm Bottom Thickness: 0.8 mm Infill Density: 10.0% Infill Pattern: lightning Material Printing Temperature: 200.0 °C Build Plate Temperature: 60 °C Speed Print Speed: 100.0 mm/s Wall Speed: 40 mm/s Support Speed: 100.0 mm/s Enable Jerk Control: True Enable Travel Jerk: True Print Jerk: 20 mm/s Travel Retraction Speed: 35.0 mm/s Cooling Enable Print Cooling: True Fan Speed: 100.0% Support Generate Support: False Support Structure: tree Support Branch Angle: 45.0° Tree Support Branch Distance: 1 mm Tree Support Branch Diameter: 2 mm Tree Support Trunk Diameter: 10.0 mm Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle: 3.0 ° Support Placement: build plate Support Overhang Angle: 60° Build Plate Adhesion Build Plate Adhesion Type: skirt Experimental Enable Bridge Settings: True Bridge Wall Speed: 17.5 mm/s Bridge Skin Flow: 60% Bridge Fan Speed: 100% Bridge Has Multiple Layers: True Printer Settings Machine Type: LulzBot Mini 2 | SE | 0.5 mm Diameter: 2.85 mm Outer Nozzle Diameter: 1 mm



  2. Any one see this for a better price during the black Friday sales pls let me know. Official Creality Ender 3 Neo 3D Printer with CR Touch Auto Bed Leveling Kit Full-Metal Extruder Carborundum Glass Printing Platform with Resume Printing Function Silent Mainboard 8.66x8.66x9.84 inch   $215.00 Amazon  thanks

  3. I've heard of Rhino.  AutoCAD would be another learning curve.  I was using I forget the software Autofusion was before the big merge.  I made a few things for myself. Never to sell. Now you can find a lot of info on 3dprinting .  Back when i bought the mini...Hmm 2016.  it was sparse. i did a lot of looking and learning. I'm glad things are better now.

  4. Well damn and damn cr scan lizard ill look into and 8k is mind-blowing even with the free shipping. Software to translate is the new learning curve. ive been using netfabb to get rid of the pesky water tight issue on some of the prints. Ideas on software i should be using.  Once again, Greg, you're the man.

  5. I tried to print the Pietà at 30% that took 2.5 hrs and i tried it at .06, with tree support everywhere.... Man, it came out uggllly. so much support that i could not get it broken off. and the print was a worse look then .2mm.  so im setting that aside for the moment and took all the great knowledge given here and I am doing my ice dragon at 35%.  Another big boy.


  6. Yea, the warping is an issue I've come up too.  Not sure if watertight will make a difference or maybe less time in the dip... So on this large piece I've decided on .1 mm layer height for now.  Just for the time frame.. My little studio is next to the bedroom and the wife is not keen on extra noise at night... now it really is none with the door closed but i have to keep her happy, so no overnight printing atm. I was using ABS before and Vaping it. Had so good success with that but this dipping in acetone is a bit different and getting to a short time in the dip is something ill just learn over time.  Thanks again on your input.

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  7. Thank you for this effort... so i did the 3dprint online thing. I had to laugh $638 to print this. Cura tells me $3 to print this... and it was only 10hr print.  Now i forgive me but i need to use some fuzzy math and maybe were talking 16hr real time. that was with a .2 layer. So i dropped it down to the fine setting and keep changes made and it was 11.25hrs. not a bad difference.  This is my little workshop at home.



  8. So both lefts are the old version i did before you looked at it and the right is after. I did make one change, and that was to make the walls from a 2 to a 3.  How you described that it could be seen through just made me cautious.  On another note, i would like to clarify that i have some very young nieces and nephews but no grandkids yet ... my daughter is 17 so i got some time. But dad would love to have some before i hit 80.   Hahaha



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