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Everything posted by cdjackson

  1. I've also had basically the same question as the OP - it seems there's unnecessary movement... I think the point here is if there are multiple wall lines, then the start of each line is randomised (not the start at each layer). Eg it might start the first inner wall at one position, then when that line finishes it moves to a different location to start the second line in the wall, and a different location to start the third line (etc)... These moves between the various wall lines on the same layer seem to be unnecessary and significantly increases the travel time when you have models with relatively thick walls. It seems that the same random position could be used for all walls on a layer, which would reduce travel while still providing the required effect of avoiding the seam line. At least this should be an option (IMHO).
  2. Perfect - thanks for your help. Somewhere I read that this needed to be in a plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/scripts folder, but your point above that it goes directly in the scripts folder was correct and it's now showing up.
  3. Thanks for the response. I had checked the log and there were no issues. I can see the logging where the PostProcessingScripts are being loaded, but there are no errors. I've put the file into the /Users/xxx/Library/Application\ Support/cura/5.2/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/scripts folder - this folder (PostProcessingPlugin) didn't exist, so I created it. It does not contain the other post processing scripts, but I've also not found them elsewhere on the computer (I've searched for FilamentChange for example using Finder and it's not found a file with this name). The plugins folder does contain the other plugins I've installed through the marketplace though, so I assumed this was the right place. Can you tell me exactly what the path is - I've tried directly in ./cura/5.2/PostProcessingPlugin/scripts, and also in ./cura/5.2/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/scripts and neither seem to work.
  4. I'm trying to work out how to install a custom post processing script on MacOS? I've found various posts for Windows, or older versions of Cura, but everything I've tried so far doesn't result in the script showing in the UI. Can someone advise the folder that the script needs to be placed on a Mac, and if there's anything else required other than simply placing the file in the appropriate folder. Apologies if this is covered somewhere in the docs - I'm happy if someone can provide a link. Thanks Chris
  5. Don't these then have a fixed z location? I guess the idea is still to have a "random" location for the z seam, but just to limit the delta at each layer to reduce time (and oozing). As an example, I print a number of large, round, objects. This requires a random z seam - otherwise we end up with a vertical "stitching" line that is clearly obvious in the final print. However as the object is quite large, the movement to the new random location takes a significant time. I think the idea of the OP was to reduce this travel while still maintaining the advantage of the random z location. I would also add to this that from my observations, the random z seam is randomised on every wall line. It would be nice to have an option that all walls on a layer can have the same z location and it's only randomised for each new layer. This would again limit the required travel and would make quite a significant improvement in time for large objects.
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