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Everything posted by henu

  1. Of course almost immediately after posting this, I found "Firewall" from the settings of my printer. It seems to be the feature I'm looking for 🤦‍♂️ Well, hope this useless post helps somebody one day 😛
  2. Hi! I noticed anybody in my LAN can access the web interface / management console of the printer if they just guess the IP. I have a small business, which means quite many customers come and go in my LAN. I don't want them to have any access to my 3D printer, so here is the question: Is it possible to somehow secure the web interface (and other LAN access)? Or maybe just disable it completely. I assume the LAN access is not needed any more, as we nowadays have the UltiMaker Digital Factory..? If the only way to do it via SSH, that is suitable too, but of course I would prefer an easier way 🙂 I consider this as a security feature, so that's why I'm quite surprised I didn't find any way to do it. Or maybe I'm just really bad at googling 😄 I know I could solve this by setting up another LAN for my customers, which would probably be a good idea, but the ability to disable the LAN access sounds like an essential feature, so that's why I'm aiming for that first.
  3. Sometimes this problem occurs very often on my S3, and sometimes I can do 10-20 prints without problems. Today the problem occurred maybe 10-20 times. Not a single successful print, it always complained about bed leveling failing. Then I randomly turned those screws in the front corners of the bed 90°, and magically the next print started working. Let's see if second print works as well.. It might work, because this screw turning hack has helped me before too. Does anybody know if it's possible to get some bed leveling debug data from S3? If the reason is screw being in wrong position, it would be nice to get some numerical info, for example "the bed seems to be tilted X degrees too left" or something. That would be much more helpful than just a generic error message.
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