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  1. I solved this question by trial and error and if someone is with the same question this is the solution. 1 is true and 0 is false so I did this "prime_tower_position_y": { "value": "270 if prime_tower_enable >= 1 else 150" }, I was trying to use the True and False because when I print "prime_tower_enable" it give me back True and False and not 0 or 1. I know 0 and 1 is a way to represent True or False but I did not think on that.
  2. That's because even if it is not enabled still pass this param to my gcode to print, so What I wanna do is if is enable put a value in this gcode and if is not, put another value that I said. Do you have any idea to do that? Thanks for reply.
  3. I'm having a struggle trying to add if and else conditionals in my file syncraft_idex.def.json. There is a variable called prime_tower_enable, that give me True or False. But I need to add if is True the value of prime_tower_position_y will be 270 and if is False will be 150. But the problem is that with the code below is always 270 and I can't fix that. If someone have any idea please tell me. "prime_tower_position_y": { "value": "270 if prime_tower_enable == True else 150" },
  4. I'm going to use it in a file in cura that will be added when I generate a gcode, path: cura/5.5/definitions/my_machine.def.json and you scrool to the end and it will be on "machine_start_gcode", there I can call any function that I have and pass parameters, this paramns is on the file that I sent before or you can find in the same folder but fdmprinter.def.json, but there is no variable to see if is enable or disable. i don't know if it exists, if it does please tell me.
  5. In software cura you can enable and disable the extruders, in my case I use two, but if I wanna pass to gcode if extruder 0 is enable or not? I have this link https://files.fieldofview.com/cura/Replacement_Patterns.html that inside there are many variables to get some informations like machine_name, but there isn't a variable to see if is enable, like extruder_enable and give me true or false. My question is, Did you guys know if there is a way to figure out this information? Thank you.
  6. Thank you!! I was searching for it for many days, you save me. 🤩 🤩
  7. Yeah, in fdmextruder.def.json there are variables that We can use in other files to access, I use it, but unfortunately does not has variables to get the second one, maybe should I create my own variables? idk yet, thank you to tell me what you know, appreciate it. I figure out that ultimaker get the second extruder seeing their gcode, I'm reading their files to understand, if you wanna see, this is a piece of gcode generated by an ultimaker S3 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.INITIAL_TEMPERATURE:200 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.MATERIAL.VOLUME_USED:2127 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.MATERIAL.GUID:44a029e6-e31b-4c9e-a12f-9282e29a92ff ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.NOZZLE.DIAMETER:0.8 ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.NOZZLE.NAME:BB 0.8 I think they get the informations of the second extruder calling EXTRUDER_TRAIN_0/1 and the variable, but I still did not find how to do it and I added the second extruder in files but I cannot access like that
  8. I would like to know how to get the informations about the second extruder e.g: material, nozzle. I know that in definitions there is a file called fdmprinter.def.json that has the variables to use like machine_name, material_type, but has no variable called material_type2 or something like that, is there a way to created my own variables to get this kind informations? please.
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