Yeah, in fdmextruder.def.json there are variables that We can use in other files to access, I use it, but unfortunately does not has variables to get the second one, maybe should I create my own variables? idk yet, thank you to tell me what you know, appreciate it. I figure out that ultimaker get the second extruder seeing their gcode, I'm reading their files to understand, if you wanna see, this is a piece of gcode generated by an ultimaker S3
I think they get the informations of the second extruder calling EXTRUDER_TRAIN_0/1 and the variable, but I still did not find how to do it and I added the second extruder in files but I cannot access like that
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Slashee_the_Cow 409
Extruders have their own definition files (they're in the extruders folder instead of the definitions folder). Although for whatever reason the base definition file (fdmextruder.def.json) is in the definitions folder with the printer definitions.
I've never had a multi-extruder printer so I can't really help, but you might be able to glean some information if you look at the definition files for the different extruders on a multi-extruder printer.
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