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Posts posted by Daid

  1. In the past I noticed that when the print head follow the far right side, the side of the right fan and screws will scratch the side panel. Is that still possible?


    That's not changed. And it depends on your UM2 build if it can scratch the sides. The official clearance is quite small, and if you slightly bend the fanducts it can already hit the sides.


  2. I agree with Nallath here. We should improve this (actually, we should be sure to include the "standby" function in the next machine, so you don't even need to use the power button, it will just go into super-lower-power mode on it's own)

    Anyhow, for the hacky method. You could just solder 2 wires to the switch, and connect a 2nd switch on there which actually switches the machine on and off, and just leave the button at the back at the off position.


  3. Well, the selection and dragging of objects in Cura works by drawing the 3D model in a single solid color, grabbing the pixel color under the mouse, and checking of that is a pixel that corresponds to a color chosen for the model.

    This all happens before the actual screen is drawn and refresh, so you normally never see this.

    One of the things that can cause problems here is 16bit colors, and possibly color correction (I know for sure 16bit colors cause issues. But who does that these days?)


  4. I added an offset to the 3D buildplate, because the nozzle is actually on the left side of the printer head. So this area you see now, is actually where the nozzle can get to. And thus, it needs less space for the right clips. Giving you slightly more build space (yay!)


  5. Nadeel van dit ding is dat het filament lange levertijd heeft en ik tot nu toe niet de beste ervaringen ermee heb.


    Alle Ultimaker modelen slikken ook gewoon filament van andere fabrikanten (zoals ColorFabb, Faberdashery, GermanReprapFoundation) dus levertijd op materiaal is minder een probleem hier.

    Keuze komt neer op:

    * UM2 ziet er beter uit

    * UMO+ is goedkoper

    * UM2 haalt iets betere print qualiteit (niet super veel meer, want de UMO+ haalt ook al super kwaliteit)

    * UMO+ heeft meer mogelijkheden om print qualiteit op te offeren voor snelheid

    * UM2 is makkerlijker in gebruik

    * UMO+ is meer hands-on


  6. Maybe try the latest beta:


    I'm not sure which version handles large models better but it's worth the try


    The latest beta handles large GCode and thus large models a bit better. The current release isn't even hitting the 3GB memory barrier, as it's getting problems before that. (It's 3GB, not 3.5GB. And some applications are limited to 2GB in windows. It's an odd world)

    And, yes, it's polycount that we need to talk about. Currently. I'm limiting my testing to 3mil polygons. That should give you ample resolution in the current Ultimaker machines.

    In the future, I do want to be able to offer a 64bit windows version as well, which then can handler larger models. But there are some huge hurdles in the way for that on Windows. (On Mac everything is 64bit by default. On linux lots of things are available in 64bit already, and 95% of the users of Linux have 64bit systems)

    Note that about 30% of the users currently still use a 32bit OS.


  7. I assert that 3D mice are never going to become popular unless and until they at the least provide some haptic, i.e. touch, feedback.

    Current devices are like waving your hand around in the air with only your eyes telling you where the "cursor" might be, and on a flat display, no real feedback about where it is located, so precision suffers greatly vs. a mouse or trackball.


    Further, having no support for the hand and wrist, they will be about as popular as large touchscreens, i.e. not very, because it is far more fatiguing to hold the arm up in the air unsupported than to have a desk on which to rest the forearm.

    Sorry folks, but it will be a long time coming for this technology, and market projections agree.


    Clearly you never really used one.

    We're talking about this device:



    • Like 1
  8. Daid it looks like that patch fixes the issue.

    However, I'm still seeing a lot of checksum errors:

    < Error:No Line Number with checksum, Last Line: 54

    < Error:No Line Number with checksum, Last Line: 83

    < Error:No Line Number with checksum, Last Line: 114

    < Error:No Line Number with checksum, Last Line: 157


    However, at least now the print isn't halting like it did before....


    That's because Cura is intentionally forcing buffers to be full on the firmware side. Which sometimes causes checksum errors. These are corrected and re-send.


  9. Maybe they changed the law because I met some airsoft players from the Netherlands at an event in the Czech Republic last year and they all said that they have a ban on airsoft guns.


    Yes, that's a recent change. (Not that the ban stopped people from having airsoft guns, or even clubs)

    @drayson: Gun laws in the netherlands are very strict. For example, none-functional guns (for example, 3D printed replica of a gun) are also illegal to carry around. No matter the color. So you could even be fined for having a transparent 3D printed AK-47. (Which I might or might not have printed :p )


  10. By the way - if you look at the gcode, it is commented very well. Each new layer has a comment (although the gcode and layer view are off by one because one starts at 1 and one starts at 0). The very next G0 or G1 command that has an "E" in it will specify exactly how much filament you have used so far in mm. For example:

    G1 X10 Y10 E1017.12432

    means you are just over one meter of filament at this point.


    Unless you have UM2 GCode, where the E value is in mm^3.

    And the E is reset every 20 meters.


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