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Posts posted by ian

  1. good morning lads !! :-)

    Today in Bavaria is a bank holiday.. so i drove up to Leipzig last night on the Autobahn.

    Took the FrIday off as a holiday.. so have 4 wonderful beautiful lovely days of relaxing having fun and doing what I want.. hehehehe :-)

    I also want to get my beautiful ultimaker2 running today... Havent used the little beauty in 3 whole weeks.. well since I started the new job.... oh my god...

    Anyway... did we get exact dates from Aaron.. I guess we are planning our little Berlin meeting based on his stay... sounds good to me...

    I hope we can really organise and do this.. would be super fun to meet all you guys in Berlin... and convince you all that I am a normal respectable irish man !!! ;-) HEHEHE

    @Robert.... As I was sinking my teeth into a home made Bavarian Snitzel with potato salad and a big white beer.. I was thinking of your sports !!!.... RESPECT !! ;-)

    So guys... have a really beautiful day.

    Big hugs.

    Ian :-)


  2. Hello all my very wonderful friends :-) :-)

    I hope your all doing really well.

    As you know I started a new job as 3d designer for large industrial printers and paper cutting maschines (print, post and newspaper industry)

    Big job and Im working on amazingly complicated and incredible german technology....

    sorry I know as Mod I shoulnt say this... but... soooooo... sooooo f.......cking....cooooollll ! :-)

    This is the kind of design work I dreamed about after finishing university with my BA Hons in Industrial Design.. Never got into that exact business but now... here I am,,,,,,, :-)

    The GF is doing some further edication here in Leipzig and I am a little apartment room 3km from my factory... so in Leipzig at the weekends and down in very beautiful Bavaria monday to friday....

    I love Leipzig but I have to say.. my irish obsession with nature and green and fields... and amazing mountains and waterfalls is truely catered for here in Bavaria.... :-) ahhhhhhh

    The reason I'm not online at the moment is because where I am living . ... the internet and mobile connection is almost non existent and its going to take some time to setup internet in the apartment....

    Also my company is very amazing and modern but its the only company I have ever worked for... where the normal workers have zero internet on their computers... sounds weird but for special security projects.. we cant have access to the outside world on our computers.. the information is a little too delicate ;-) lol

    And being honest waiting 30 minutes to find reception in the middle of a hay field.. so I can some how start typing on the ultimaker forum... is not really doable at the moment...

    So big sorry for being not here and not being able to help like I want... and also teaste and drive people crazy on the forum... like I want ;-)

    But when I get the internet working.. then I can get back here... help and inject my unique flavour of happy irish crazyness........

    If any of you ever want to get me... my private email is : ian.spring@gmail.com

    Just shoot me a quick email and my trousers will start vibrating..... please email me ;-) LOLLLLL

    Ok guys.. god bless and have a happy lovely 3d printing weekend... Have I missed anything good the last 2 weeks ?..... ultimaker 3... ultimaker 4.... ??

    Last note.. Aaron !!!! send me an email please with your contact info and dates your in Berlin... if thats the weekend I will drive my irish ass up to the Big Smoke... and have a good laugh with you... would be brilliant !!

    Ok guys... so.... take it easy pleasy... :-)


  3. Ok my next project.. I was given a wave board or caster board to try from a friend.

    Took it out this evening and just after I started getting a feeling I could do it... CRACK....

    The whole front base plastic housing split right down the centre...

    OK maybe these things were not built for my irish 98KG... yes I need to loose weight !!

    BUT thats... BS !!

    Im thinking what is a caster board... two caster wheels.... housed and held with 2 foot pedals and a central column with a spring in it.

    Technically everything I need is here... spring column.. 2 casters... All I need to do is design a really really strong housing that wont break with stress on the casters.. plus big enough to let the middle of my foot rest on the part... then strong enough to hold the central beam together...

    Am i being too optomistic... or do you guys think this could be doable ??

    Top foot panel as one single print.. then the bottom part... then place the caster and central beam... then lock the top and bottom together with big ass screws...

    Then do two back and front foot...

    The thing doesnt need to be so big like a normal caster .... just enough to give the foot good grip....and STRONG !!!

    I think its completly mad.. that a big boy like me cant play on these..... :sad:




  4. time wise its going to be tight.... makerbot is busy closing up wholes in the market... i really do hope and pray that by the time ultimaker have their production in order.. that they have such a momentum and oppertunity behind them as they have enjoyed the last two years...

    Its a very tricky job and made even harder because makerbot is... monster big and getting bigger every day.

    I know I talk to too much sometimes and open my stupid irish mouth a little too much for some peoples confort... but one thing ultimaker has really lost is... a front man....

    At the begining Erich was the front man.. the funny computer geek that went onto tv and radio and told the world how amazing this is... now erich is... kinda gone to the backgarden some where... doing his thing.

    Sander is trying his best and pushing himself forward at shows and online.. this is a big big help but even poor sander cant be every where at once... Ultimaker is actually slowly loosing its general publich sharp image... kinda busy... and blurry....

    This maybe wont harm them... but it wont help them of course!

    Kinda like the really cute clever girl Makerbot had doing cool HOW TO videos on their home page.. she was cute funny and showed lots of cool tricks with 3d printers... that was reallt brilliant and gave a solid face to the company....

    But hay.. everything im saying here.. you guys know already right!



  5. Just replied to your message Shurik !! :smile: sorry about the delay !

    Also to everyone else... I am starting the new job on Monday.. so a few more days to get ready.. relax the kax... and then jump knee deep into the new work... yehaaa :wink:

    Im going to be living alone during the week... so my plan is.. work... sport... 3d printing... sounds like a healthy combination right ?? LOL :wink:

    Ian :smile:


  6. this might surprise people but I wasnt blatently looking for porno on youtube when I found this ! no no !

    I actually did one hours sport yesterday and was looking for some quick sports studio music on youtube to keep me jumping... this was one of the firstr recommendations...

    I am a man and of course !... i had to check it out...

    Apart from this police women being very... beautiful.... I have to say... monster respect for what the women can do !!

    OH MY GOD !!.... If we could do 1 percent of what that women did.. we are doing good !!

    Its almost not imporant that the women is.. a hot bombshell..... almost !! ;-)

    Have a super day guys !!

    Big Hugs.

    Ian :-)


  7. Welcome to the big family !! :-)

    there is no going back !! ;-) LOL

    In one week ill be in Kranzberg Bavaria with my Ultimaker2 :-) :-)... starting a new job there ! :-)

    I think there are a lot of ultimaker owners in beautiful Bavaria !

    Have fun on the forum.. its a brilliant atmosphere !

    Ian :-)


  8. I heard from ultimaker that this is high on the wish list to be done.. to get lots of crazy creative ultimaker people together.. convention or design camp.. don't ask me... but I guess as the summer quickly comes around the corner this year.. its getting too late to organise something properly this year for the biggest impact.... ? i do hope I am wrong about that of course !... plus I think the ultimaker guys are still so... overloaded with work and business that finding time to organise this is... not really possible... apart from the normal daily work... ultimaker is sending people all over the place for the summer season tech and 3d print fairs...

    Ian :smile:


  9. BAAAA !!!!

    Only my feeder may preserve us from final destruction !!! Oh heed my words man of little mind !!! heed my words !!!

    The day is coming !! ;-)

    Ian ;-) LOLLLL

    ps. Amsterdam is a brilliant idea Daniel !... I always wanted to visit the city because of the............. .... .... ..... flowers ! :-)


  10. Oh and Ian I also read your presentation, it looks good.

    Has it also been recorded?

    Will you also write some kind of tutorial on your feeder and some more in depth information

    on why you chose this design and why it works perfect, as you say?

    About the video, we knew they would use the Ultimaker after they contacted us with the concept.

    The video is not necessarily about creating firearms but more about the affect of all of these new technologies and what they can enable.. And will good come out of it or bad? Probably depends on who uses it, as you can see in the vid.

    ..at least that is what I think ;)


    Hi Sander. I have one week now between ending my current job and starting the new one. So I should have some time to writh up a nice tutorial and also share the print files for my dragnet feeder :-)

    Have a lovley day !

    Ian :-)


  11. Hey guys a friend of me send me a link to this video


    Look closely you'll see a special appearance in it (you can turn the sound down if you hate the music :mrgreen: )


    welcome to Germany :-(

    Unfortunately, this video is not available in your country because it could contain music from UMG, for which we could not agree on conditions of use with GEMA.



    The Spring Report - 3D Print Fair FABCON Messe Erfurt Germany 2014


    After being pushed and pulled by a number of people to do this report... here it is.. enjoy World ! :-)


    So what can I say. I was once again invited to do a presentation at the biggest 3D Fair in Germany this year. A great honour and I was so delighted to be there and give my presentation on 3D Printing changing from a toy to a tool in times of Crisis.


    Ok this report would not be a Spring Report if it was just shiny clouds and rainbows.. so here is what happened !


    Last year Erfurt actually had two separate Fairs running at the same time. You had the hobby home base printers and then on the other side of the Fair.. the big boys with their million dollars wonder printers... This was .. incredible... the little guys wer allowed sneak over and look at what the big boys were pulling off and saying to themselves.. hell we can do that for 15 euros.. haha... and of course the big boys would sneak down into the world of PLA and ABS and secretly spot little clever ideas that there million dollars machines didn't have !!

    It was truly a brilliant atmosphere because of the mix of Industries...

    This year,, the fair people changed plans and there was only one day overlap between the two.

    This was maybe great for the lucky people there on day number one but for all those on day number 2 and 3.... OH SHIT... TITANIC HITTING ICEBERG !!


    As the Germans would say... Tote Hose.. or roughly translated DEAD TROUSERS....

    The Fair on day 2 closed off the other half of the hall but still, it was like walking into an abandoned super market before the bulldozers come.

    I mean I really really hope they change this back.

    The guys like Florian Horsch and the two amazing Messe Girls are absolutely stunning at what they do and I just cant understand who made the big... FUCK UP DECISION.... ?


    This Fair should be getting stronger and bigger.. not getting its left leg blasted off on year 2 !!


    Anyway, there was also another strange and maybe not so good thing.. not all but some of the great little companies that buzzed the fair last year were gone... Some of the cool RepRap startups were gone... Reprap Germany was not there.. sad !.. the two brothers with their amazing big glass enclosed Reprap Printer for Industry.. not there... :-(..... even Netfabb seems to not care anymore....

    It was an atmosphere where I started to think... are some of these guys just dead from the market ? or are some companies big enough now that they don't need to make contact with the normal user on the ground ?

    I thought this could be the reason for Netfabb not being there.. I guess most home users have given up on donating 150 euros for dumbness when they can use something tasty and free like Cura.. maybe they just said.. Screw the normal guys.. and if so.. thats there thing !


    Makerbot also down sized this year.. Last year it was like Fort Knox of Makerbot with 3 different stations. It deemed like they wanted to start crowd control but what was really funny was the little Ultimaker table in the middle of them sucking up visitors like the newest and best vacuum cleaner... They were also down to one makerbot island and to be honest, they didnt really seem to pushed to sell anything. The one time I did actually touch one of their printers.. a little guy ran over and hissed at me for touching it.. the words sabotage were mentioned and I slowly moved away from them... always of course keeping eye contact ! ;-)


    I also went over the the IGO3D guys from Norhthern Germany.

    OK I do know they are the official resellers to Ultimaker in Germany and yes I do know they have massive histerical global plans of opening up a thousand shops around the world.. still counting one shop at the moment... mmmm lets see what happens there ? ;-) But what was interesting for me was.. About 7 people came up to me on the first day I was there and asked.. where is the ultimaker desk this year.. I told them It doesnt exist and IGO3D is there for that.. The people just turned around.. looked at them... curled their eye browns a little and turned back... not impressed !

    The problem with this strategy is.. Ultimaker wins people with their people !!

    Guys that had little money invested in an ultimaker 1 or 2 because last year David and Harma... convinced them... that ultimaker was a good maschine with great people backing it !! Thats true and that won big time.. now IGO3D is a shop... selling different products and some where back there on a shelf is an ultimaker...

    Does anyone feel where this is going .... ?

    Will Ultimaker slowly loose its human feeling as it grows and its goals and targets change.. well it kinda doing that already right ?.. well atleast in Germany ?...


    I also got to meet the guys from Colorfabb there.

    This year a up-kitted boot... very nice and posh looking with a few printers wizzing around with lovely give away prints.. Those guys are just golden because they actually look like they are printed from GOLD PLA.. you just have to walk near ColorFabb and they light up with big smiles and helpful tips and free samples... If companies needed to learn some human relation skills.. I would take colorfabb as a good example !

    The guys as always showed off some of their hot new materials.. Bamboo and Bronze were big hits and really got the women element excited .... uhhh printing jewellery... mmm... i like it ! :-)


    On another interesting note and I do swallow hard when I say this.. I was actually a little more impressed with Fabbster this year !!.. Yes I know this is a shock !! but they have done some cool things in the last year !... introducing a lot of new materials.. also offering a DIY kit box set for 600 euros and also saying that a new hotend is coming down the road later this year with 5 materials than can be mixed in the head... Sadly the main design is still not the greatest but they are progressing and getting their stuff organised... Plus they have buckets of cash and massive business connections and are expanding into other markets like crazy... pay attention to these guys !!


    Second last point for my report.. and a happy one.

    I met a lovely lady from Nurenberg at the Fair. I met her last year as well. She was so nervous and shy last year because she wanted to become self employed and print house models for clients. She needed a 3d printer and surprise surprise I was standing in front of the ultimaker stand as she came by...

    Well 1 year later she is buzzing with business and using her ultimaker2 to amaze clients every day and every week. The woman was absolutely electric with happiness and that was for me... a big highlight !


    So last word... 3D printing is maturing yes... but we should never forget the kid in all of us the exciting crazy stuff !.. never let this business become too dry and dusty...

    I think the people that organised this broke there backs doing a super job... but there one or two things that need to be changed for the next time....

    Other than that... It was once again a pleasure to meet many of you !!


    Good night.

    Ian :-)


    ps. About the rumours that some male ultimaker forum users are actually girls in disguise... the rumour is true !!... and they are very nice ladies !! ;-) LOL...


  13. The photo sales shop software I bought for this project actually has an option to connect to amazon cloud.

    I was just a little slow to start buying the next hosting account ontop of the normal one I have already..

    But I guess I shoudnt try and save on safety...

    Ian :-)


  14. if I moved my image files to... amazon cloud for example.. then what would stop people just trying to hack that account with amazon and get there hands on the pictures that way ?

    From what iv seen the last months with big companies and big security.. everything is crackable....

    But open to good handy tips to give me a little chance... ;-)

    Also about me going alone... I tried renting out my collection to a big photo agency... I got a little fed up receiving 20 percent royalties for the images I own and bought... seemed like day light robbery to me.. so better setting up pixpast... run it for 10 or 20 years... setup fair prices compared to the other big guys.. and then spread the word...

    If it takes 10 years to get things running.. thats OK with me.. aslong as in the end its my baby and if or when a photo sells... i get the money from my investment and not only 20 percent..

    Ian :-)


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