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Posts posted by ian

  1. I think everyone gets a little bit of a different effect from the heat level... seems to vary between machines sometimes..

    I actually print most of my PLA models at a speed of 50 with a temp of 230 with full cooling fans on.. and I get good clean results ... :-)

    Ian :-)


  2. a friend of mine in England just did a super job in translating the book description to English for me... THANKS DANIEL !!

    Leipzig In Color

    Early Color Photographs: 1937 – 1947

    Collected and edited by Ian Spring and Ronny Ecke

    96 pages with 85 Color images

    24 x 27 cm, Hard cover, Dust Jacket and sewn binding.

    ISBN 978-3-942473-96-5

    19,90 Euro (D), 20,90 Euro (A), 24,90 sFr


    Published September 2014

    In 1936 when the first color film became commercially available in Germany, many photographers enthusiastically explored this new technology in colors never seen before. With the exciting opportunities offered by the new medium, amateur photographers passionately captured the the landscape, architecture and everyday life of their world. After many years of collecting, Ian Spring has assembled over 24,000 images that bring an unusual perspective to the world of the 1930’s and 40’s. A special part of his collection is a fascinating grouping of images from Ian’s adopted hometown of Leipzig. These are published here for the first time along with several other early color images from the collection of the Stadtgeschichtlichen Museum, Leipzig (City Museum of History). Ronny Ecke has arranged the images and provided the historical commentary.


  3. Hay Bas ! :-)

    I know your doing a lot of valuable research at the moment.. building up a database of gold worth info for now and the future.... GOOD JOB !!! :-)

    Has any of the mad scientists in your department played with a small motor housed on the print head with some sort of simple gear that bites and pulls in the filament... I mean feeder and bowden is lovely... but I think most people will start to admit... a simple reliable feeder.. light weight and print head based would be... a golden bullet...

    Have a great evening !!

    Ian :-)


  4. after my book is released and finished in the next few days.. Ill have more time... I still have archicad on my home computer and can remember the interior design of your building... I make a lot of pritty images in my head and I was there twice.. more than enough meta data... LOLL

    Ian :-)

    would be a kinda cool thing for people to be able to print... users can secretly play ultimaker Barbie and Ken... LOLL... we could put a beard on Ken... mmmm wonder who that would be LOL


  5. i think there are great companies to work for and companies that pay the bills.....

    my first company after Uni was crap money but the best craziest work atmosphere you could ever want... simple things like the mom of the owner arriving with fresh cookies for lunch time.....its sometimes the little things that matter.....

    but I have to put on smiles for Saturday... big day.... The Release Party for my First Book.

    Over 30 very hungry and thirsty people waiting to see the book in hand.

    We are doing a big barbeque outside and then against the walls of the neighbors house. different projectors beaming up video clips and images from the book and research project... Then later in the night we are setting up a 1941 war time film projector in the middle of the garden and showing one of the only know original color home movies 16mm from Leipzig city... in the world....

    And a lot of champagne !!!

    I need to sell about 10,000 books to pay back for this party alone.. LOLLLLL

    wish me good luck... have to collect all the meat in Bavaria and then hit the road... quick... setup tomorrow night and at 3 tomorrow... party starts.... :-)



  6. sorry for being away so long from this tread guys...

    Has anyone tried just taking off the biting wheel from the stepper motor and installed a rubber coated wheel.

    I know in our company there are some really fantastic new rubbers with wopping friction....

    I really want to be set free in our workshops with my ultimaker and see what we can cook up... there are thousands of tools and every little bit and piece you ever wanted.... the whole thing is there... I just need my bosses YES...

    Ian :-)


  7. make sure the axis are really firmly pushed into the blocks... sometimes they arent and then the squareness of your axis can be a little off and cause friction.....

    your settings sound good to me... your using Cura right ?

    I dont really understand why the oil would make things worse... I mean make sure you only have the heavy green oil on the back spine and then clean the other axis with a clean piece of cloth.. then a little oil and move around the head with your hand until things soften up...... should work...


  8. I hope you don't mind Lennart :

    Here it is Dirkels: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:75582

    I've made several of these lamps, 2 tips: don't make the lamp too small if you're using PLA, it will crack during time;

    Use LED lights because of the heat of a normal light.

    Some impressions:



    fantastic creative prints !!

    but for some reason... the one on the bottom row... second from the right... it hurts my eyes.... maybe next time... a little more green... white ... and gold.... LOLLLL


  9. @Ian, there has been some research http://voxelfab.com/blog/2013/07/is-desktop-3d-printing-safe-will-it-harm-your-health-ultrafine-particle-emissions-and-vapors/ (not really definitive but it is a start)

    if you think that printing next to your bed is bad for your health, then stop it. if the headaches disappears than it probably was the machine.

    The thing is not a lot of dedicated research has been done because of the new nature of the technique.

    If placed in a big enough room with a decent air flow i don't think 3d printing is that bad for you. but placing it next to your bed and possibly not having enough good ventilation might not be such a good idea.

    Take care of your health!

    But to be back OT:

    this is my Ultimaker Corner :D

    attachicon.gif2013-12-27 17.40.58.jpg


    Thanks for the info !

    Iv just stopped printing for the last 3 days and feel a lot better.

    Im kinda screwed at the moment... I want to get back to modelling some things and printing but... finding where to do it... in a shared apartment ..... tricky.... there is really no little storage space I can use.... only idea would be to drill a few wholes in my cloths cabinet... glue some rubber seals on the door and use a compartment for the printer...might work but.... i am going to smell like a PLA beast for the coming months... LOLLL


  10. Hi Thomas !

    what speed and temp did you print ?

    do you have any type of belt tighteners ? that really does help reduce spring in the movement and give cleaner surfaces.

    Also a little dribble of fine machine oil on the axis really helps...

    Looks like things are getting good for you !

    Have great fun with your ultimaker and ask us anything you want !

    Ian :-)


  11. they are some of the best engineers in the World and in Bavaria get paid very well. I earn 3 times what I did in Leipzig.


    Company culture is now totally fixed on what is happening and will happen in the next 6 months.. so they use people like batteries... pushing harder and harder and getting massive output but with no respect for the well being of the good people... and when good people burn out and walk... the companies shoot themselves in the foot big time...

    There is no future plan or need or want to build a company family....

    VERY VERY SAD.....


  12. @ian hahahaha, that made me laugh. it's said to hear that the work ethic is so bad there. my day has been cool. we unpacked the new shopbot. then i got back to working on the new user manuals (which can be quite boring).

    and i've been doing some printing :D so all and all not a bad day. now up to the next meeting


    glad you liked it ! :-)

    I kinda think the work mood is actually more german than just here. I have worked for 3 big engineer design companies now in germany and they all lacked two things... a real sense of company culture and also the willingness to make a bad joke and laugh loud....also... loyalty in both directions between worker and company doesn't exist... work where the money is best and screw everything else....from both sides !

    I guess sometimes the stereotypes can be right.....


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