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Posts posted by antiklesys

  1. So I followed both the link to http://marlinbuilder.robotfuzz.com and https://github.com/Ultimaker/Marlin and https://github.com/ErikZalm/Marlin , but I couldn't find the same version of Marlin which is uploaded on the Ultimaker Original from Cura.[/url]

    I noticed there are several main differences in Cura's Marlin and the others on GitHub, one of which being homing (Cura's Marlin does both X and Y at the same time, while the others all do 1 axis at time) and another the behavior of the fan when pre-heating the material.

    Does anyone know where I can find the version of Marlin which is uploaded from Cura?


  2. Quando tari l'altezza della testina dal piano, non usare un foglio come spessore.

    Assicurati che la testina tocchi il piano, ma che la pressione esercitata non sia tale da far scendere il piano sulle molle.

    Per come la vedo io il livellamento incide solo sul primo layer di fatto, perché poi gli altri layer si vanno ad appoggiare su quello.

    Edit: se vedi la foto del sotto, oltre a non essere spiaccicato bene il filamento, non ha aderito molto per quanto riguarda il contorno, che è stato trascinato via.


  3. I'm using blechmeimer's fanducts for the UM Original V1 Head and had them in PLA.

    Unfortunately the main issues are that:

    -After some use they bend

    -The part designed to fit in the head screws is quite weak (and seems to be also the spot where the fans start bending).

    Any chance to have a reinforced design to avoid bending on those screw holes?


  4. In Cura I switched my machine's settings to include a heated bed and set the temperature to 0. This was in order to benefit of the 3 point bed levelling system.

    After this part i had to reflash the firmware in the machine and my UM Original started going freaking faster for homing operations, but also for printing.

    Why is this happening only when the heated bed firmware is uploaded?

    Should the machine not behave just the same as it was before?

    I reflashed back as the quality of the prints decreased dramatically with this firmware.


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