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Everything posted by vincentp

  1. thank you to both of you. @Snowy, would you mind sending me the Gcode so that I can print it ? My UM has the LCD screen + SD card slot, so I can just take the GCODE you generated and see if it works better, before I start incriminating the slicer ? if it's big, please send it via transferbigfiles (or eq) to contact@plecterlabs.com thanks !
  2. thanks ! printing at 50mm/s, wall is 0.8mm, layers thickness is 0.2mm. Bottom / top thickness is 1mm. Filament OD = 2.85mm (really round, measured with a digital caliper, I get 2.83 to 2.86mm), stock packing density in cura (1.00). 3 lines of skirt. Minimal time on layer, I tried 3, 5 and 10 seconds, no real change. infill pattern : line. Overlap is 15%. Fan is at 100%. Bridge speed: 100%. Filling style : loops => perimeter => infill. let me know if you need other info !
  3. as explained in this thread, I'm having issues with a very specific part. Details here http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/1746-lack-of-extrusion-in-certain-part-of-a-part if somebody could give a try to print this part (possibly with CURA), that would help me to figure out if there are some settings I can adjust or if this is an issue with my printer. http://www.plecterlabs.com/Media/Ultimaker/Sphere_top_trous-ORDRE-7.STL I print PLA @213°, it prints fine other objects which have overall continuous extrusion (filled parts). Issue occurs on that part even without retraction (try to print without, don't care of stringing). I used 0.2mm layers, 0.8mm walls, raft is optional, support material set at 50%. I have lack of materials when you starts having a lot of holes in the extruder path (therefore extrusion stops quite often). please post pics of your results ! THANKS !
  4. thanks a lot. I'm new to the forums, I didn't know that section (which is awesome). Will post there.
  5. thanks a lot for replying ! you're the one who actually helped me last time (thanks!!). The active cooling setup is yours, with your part (40mm fan), you directed me to your website where I got the STL. I suspect the bowden tube junction with the PEEK was imperfect from the beginning. I could try to assemble it but I decided to move to the V2. That's a printer I use at work, we can afford that upgrade if, coupled with your active cooling, it makes sure there are no plug anymore. To be clear, plugs haven't been the issue recently. They did happen but nothing like what I was getting in the past. As posted in post #1, I print in PLA at 213°. Lower and it really looks like the bond between layers is too weak. I believe that temp is ok for PLA, overall but I could be wrong (me = noob) with the part above (half sphere + holes) : Issue occurs with or without retraction. Retraction uses Cura defaults. 4mm, 40mm/s. noted about the raft. I left it as initially I had issue with making sure the first layers would stick properly to the painter tape. Starting straight with the sphere is tricky as it's only a contour of 2mm thich and warping tended to have one extremity to lift up, reason why I tested with the raft and got some success. can somebody give a try to the part and print it ?
  6. I wished I could have written a followup to my former topic but I can't find it on the new forum. My PM seem to have disappeared as well. never mind. I initially got a lot of extrusion issues, with the help of a couple of members, I added active cooling of the alu plate + PEEK isolator, which removed the plug issue a lot but not totally. Still, it worked good enough to finally get reliable prints which have overall continuous extrusion (this required however to install the V2 extruder driver and the V3 knurled screw). very happy... BUT... after printing filled parts (from 30 to 60% filled, or even 100%, 1mm top and bottom sides) with CURA 12.12A I wanted to finally print MY own part for which I've been struggling for so long. Problem is that it STILL has the initial issue than before the extrusion problem (plugs, mainly). Here's the part : a half sphere with a small shoulder at the bottom (requires support) and about 32 holes in it (the holes must be "printed", can't drill them after). Here's the result of the print. I get pretty much the same results with or without retraction. This is red PLA just acquired from ultimaker. PLA OD was measured properly, extruder step constant was adjusted (just a bit), I print at 213° and this works just perfect for all other parts I've printed. The print starts perfect. There's only one hole on the path, which leads to an almost complete circle (holes are 6mm diameter). It goes well until it meets more holes. Like another member told me, the holes have the extruder stopping (of course) and it's when there are a lot of holes that the issues are there. Print will catch up and start to be "okay" again further in the print, when it reaches layers where you have less extrusion interruptions. I've just ordered the hot end V2 to get rid totally of the plug issue but I was wondering if my problem is something else. I don't have fiction anymore on the extruder which works very well. I've noted that the support density has an effect on the lack of material of the sphere when it fails. It's like if the support is printed with a very small amount of material, the extrusion has a hard time coming back to the proper extrusion amount when it moves to printing the sphere. As it alternates all the time between support and object... well... you see the result. For this print, I selected 50% of support material filling compared to 25% only before. There's less lack of material but it's clearly there. 1) are there some settings in cura to fight this ? 2) does somebody understand what the exact issue is ? Ideas for a fix ? (this is not belt tension or this sort of thing, all this has been corrected, and again other objects are printing nicely) 3) can somebody give it a try on his own printer (that works well) so that I can see if the problem can be reproduced on a said-to-work printer ?? here's the link to the STL file http://www.plecterlabs.com/Media/Ultimaker/Sphere_top_trous-ORDRE-7.STL thanks a bunch
  7. hi ! I'm quite a noob with 3D printing, proud owner of an ultimaker 1.5.x (2580). Assembly and the first tests were flawless overall, printing a few models from replicatorG with the fail safe PLA profile it "worked". (of course, stringing etc) we bought netfabb to be able to manage materials and generate GCODE (faster). I just can't get things to work and I can't print the calibration. Z axis is calibrated precisely. I printed various things with repG and also Cura, got the latter run all the tests, everything is working nicely. Belt tension seems nice, I'll probably have to triple check the orthogonality of the axis but overall it works. What I need is to calibrate the materials so that I can have a choice of like 3 setups (low / mid / super) for quality and that's it. I've upgraded to marlin, got a custom firmware via the online tool to support the ultipanel I just bought, it's setup on 115200. nettfab recognizes the machine, I can do keyboard control. Homing works terrific. Nettfab 4.9.1 when I try to calibrate a material, netfab will do random crazy things. doesn't wait for proper temp (need to preheat) big offset on Z. While homing went right, it starts printing circles at like 1-2 mm above. It's not a switch error, it a deliberate move. then if I leave it printing, it will go for a crazy feedrate, extruder gear spins at like 60 rpm after I cancel the print, ultimaker will keep doing things, small movements, like if nettfab keeps streaming Gcode. I don't mind printing from repG or ANYTHING. All I want is a stable and fast solution to have the proper Gcode generated based on quality / print time constraint. what am I doing wrong ? nettfab version I should use ? firmware I should use ? material profiles I could use as is ? thanks
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