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Posts posted by blecheimer

  1. I am quite busy at the moment, so you have to wait until nex weekend. Then I can work on the right fan duct.

    As I am a professional engineer and running a small business I am using Catia V5 (for more than 14 years now) for my models. But I cannot recommend it for private use because it is very (!) expensive.


  2. I do not know how efficient these small fans will work, but, yes, this design should be feasible in general.

    However it will be a complete redesign.

    You need a two-in-one fan duct for each side. My design cannot be modified in a simple way to support two fans unless you develope an (quite ugly) adapter that is bolted to the inlet.

    I tried something, very quick, very dirty:




    Maybe this is a suitable basis for your design.


  3. I have tested to print small parts with ABS on my stock Ultimaker recently. To make it short, the result was disappointing.

    The finished print had some serious warping issues at all corners (using the blue tape) and the surface quality was not good, either. In my opinion the ultimaker is not able to print ABS without some major changes.

    But in the end that is no problem for me. Most of the time I am using PLA. And if I need something that is more temperature-resistant I switch to PLA90.


  4. Ich habe kürzlich das erste mal mit PLA90 gedruckt... und ich liebe es!

    Meine Versuche mit ABS ohne Heizbett endeten immer in verzogenen Ergebnissen. PLA90 läßt sich wie normales PLA drucken, nur 10° heisser. Vollkommen problemloser Druck, gutes Ergebnis und vor allem hohe Temperaturstabilität des fertigen Produkts.

    Heute habe ich mal Bauteile aus PLA, ABS und PLA90 bei 35°C für 8 Stunden im Auto liegen lassen. Alle Teile waren danach so heiss, dass man sie kaum anfassen konnte. Das PLA war weich wie eine Käsescheibe und total verzogen. ABS war natürlich ok, aber das Druckergebnis selber ist für mich nicht zufriedenstellend. Das Bauteil aus PLA90 dagegen hatte sich keinen Millimeter verzogen und war fest wie wie bei 20°C. Top!

    Der einzige Haken: PLA90 ist weicher als normales PLA. Es ist kein flexibles PLA, aber halt weicher. Man merkt es beim Bearbeiten der Bauteile mit dem Skalpell.

    Insgesamt kann ich PLA90 wirklich empfehlen, wenn man temperaturfeste Bauteile drucken möchte.



    ...except the fan might still hit the sliderblock

    Yes, it will hit the slider. I have just cut the fan casing a little bit and now it fits nice and easy.

    Hope you don't mind me bastardizing your design.

    I'd like to see modification of my design. Just take it and improve it. :)


  6. Ich stand vor ca. einen Jahr vor genau der gleichen Entscheidung. Nach einem Test in der CT lief es dann auf einen Replicator von Makerbot oder einem Ultimaker hinaus. Nach ein wenig Stöbern erkennt man aber schnell, dass der Ultimaker ein paar klare Vorteile gegenüber dem Replicator hat. Er löst feiner auf (ich drucke bis runter auf 0.05mm), schluckt das weit verbreitete 3mm PLA und ist preislich wesentlich interessanter.

    Der Replicator sieht dagegen besser aus...

    Und ich wollte ein Kit und nix vormontiertes. Schliesslich ist man Bastler aus Leidenschaft. ;)


  7. I do not know if 40mm fans cannot handle the pressure as I am using the original 50mm fans. For me the original fan size is the perfect match for my fan duct design.

    I am working with these ducts for half a year now without any problems. And I am quite pleased with the results:


    This is an early model to test overhangs.


    click for larger image

    My compressor wheel @ 0.05mm layer height


    Compressor wheels @ 0.1mm layer height


    click for a larger image

    The UM-Robot - the hands could be better


  8. PLA + Car + Sun = will never work

    I developed a phone holder for my Nexus4 and printed it in PLA to test the basic functions. Worked quite well until the outside temperature was about 18°C. After 8 hours the PLA was a little bit twisted so that my phone does not fit anymore.

    The last days the temperature was over 30°C. After 8 hours the phone holder was totally bend. It felt like hot cheese and I could deform it to different sculptures with only two fingers.

    So, if you want to print something for your car, use ABS. That's what I will try to do next.


  9. Sorry for my late reply. I am a little bit busy at the moment...

    I re-worked the right fan duct. Now it aims a little lower and has to be bolted onto the hot end. Use two M3 nuts and assemble the new fan duct to the very long bolts at the hot end.


    New Right Fan Duct

    I have not printed and tested this fan duct yet. Do not know it it fits - so you might give it a try and see if it works for you.

    I hope I can re-model the left fan duct during the next weekend.


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