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Posts posted by fuchs

  1. The Ultimaker with the Ulticontroller works the same as without - so you can connect it via USB to the PC/Mac/Linux and print with it.

    I mostly use the (permanently installed and running) Ulticontroller as a fancy display for speed / heat and print with Cura :-)

  2. If needed, shut down new user registration and redirect people for a few days (or what ever time it takes) to a "register via EMail" or disallow posting from newly registered users.

    You are _in this moment_ damaging your brand and your reputation by letting spambots run wild - google will detect it, pagerank and trust will suffer and the users of the forum will be p*ssed off - new users will see a forum full of spam.

    So you must act now, at least to a degree to stabilize the situation. This is a (small) crisis and measures need to be taken.

    Trust me, I'm a pro :-)

  3. Ian,

    thank you so much for the summary of the things that are going wrong at the moment, and I personally find the situation you were maneuvered into, quite unacceptable. Volunteering should not be slavery, but rather a well appreciated contribution to the community.

    Alexander Baloche is therefore the official admin of the forum?

    Judging from Erik de Bruins Master Thesis, he understands very well what motivates people to participate in volunteer work and OpenSource/OpenHardware projects - and so I can only conclude, that at least he doesn't atm know about what happens here (Spam and Work-wise).

    So - IMHO - this situation needs to be escalated to a higher tier at Ultimaker. The current situation is bad for the Forum-Admins, the Forum-Users and the whole Ultimaker Idea.

    As the situation also has a personal touch to it already, it would be best to have this escalation done via PM / EMail or even phone / skype / IM - and done it ASAP, as for sure the google ranking of this site will quickly diminish when it is flagged as Spam-Source. (In turn damaging the whole ultimaker.com site)

  4. I wonder if one should loose the pulleys on the axis when applying belt tensioners of the "clamps on one belt" style?

    I mean, after all the tensioner will "shorten" or tension approx. one half of the belt, but the belt will still be in the tooths of the pulley, so it will get more tension on that side, while the other side wont get any tension (i think).

    When putting my belt tensioners on, I didn't loosen the pulleys and now I am worried, that over time the belt will get stretched unevenly.


  5. May sound a bit silly, but I think, every type of PLA seems to have some specialities, like temperature, maximum printable speed, blobbiness etc.

    I recently bought some kind of sample pack with different colors and types of PLA - and i noticed, that each color seems to have a "special" temperature, where it works best - and that also differs with speed/extrusion rate.

    So it's somehow counter-productive, that with every newly bought coil of PLA or ABS, one (meaning: Each user) has to fiddle and experiment to get a decent print.

    I also understand, that it is kinda pointless that (the few) each user justs posts his settings into the Wiki, because there won't be (presumably) that much information gathered in a short and reasonable time (as only ppl. reading here would know about it) and also the suppliers / vendors could and will change material over time, making an outdated collection of info in a wiki kinda useless.

    So my question or "food for thought" would be: How can one gather such information in a timely, reliable and sufficient quantity? Would we need some "general recommendations" from PLA/ABS vendors? From printer-makers? Or crowd-sourced approach?

    Would e.g. Ultimaker test different PLA and sell them in their shop? Or get resellers to do that? Or would resellers pay their customers to gather such data? (I could very well imagine that users will get samples of PLA / ABS, test them, report their findings and get a discount on the next batch of material).

    Any ideas? *looking at Ultimaking Ltd* :-)

  6. I don't know, but this is just a blatant ad a.k.a. Spam. New User, never wrote anything and hey ho his first two IDENTICAL posts are "Give us money for software, which we plan to sell".

    That's just spam. And of course there are several products that do the same - they even say so:

    "Our current product is called Symvol for Rhino, which is a plugin to the existing modeling package Rhinoceros."

    So just an ad for some obscure company. Don't like their style. It's spam!

  7. I recently moved the Ultimaker into another room for some long printjobs (for noise reduction).

    After moving it back to the usual place, i tried to print some normal sized objects from SD Card - and they failed after the first layer with heavy slippage in X _and_ Y direction :shock:

    Tried again, same slippage at the exact same location. Tried CURA instead of SD Card (and sliced it anew) - slippage.

    Tried another object in CURA, sliced with lower speed (75 instead of 100mm/sec) - slippage.

    Checked the belts (long and short) - all ok, making a bit of a "twang" sound.

    Checked the rods - all clean, moving without problems, had a drop of oil a few days ago - nice and shiny.

    But then I found the solution - the moving seems to have loosened the screws on the motor-mounts a little tiny bit - just enough that at the moment, both motors kicked from "first layer speed" to "print high speed" the motors did give in a little and slipped.

    Re-tightened the motor mounts (which i didn't have done, as the short belts felt tight enough).

    I also noticed, that I could re-tighten all the enclosure screws a little tiny bit.

    So: Don't forget to occasionally check the motor mounts, even when the belts are tight - especially when moving the machine!

  8. Just printed a 17 hour job yesterday, from SD-Card. 67MByte of .gcode...

    Noticed that the SD-Card percentage indicator on the Ulticontroller did show 16% or such when it was finished. It was yesterday at 27% after 5 hours or so - so i suspect that there is some kind of overflow.

    Object was printed without problems, so it's more of a cosmetic thing.

  9. I saw a design for a machined aluminium printbed - basically it was the acryl glass that is currently in the Ultimaker, but made from aluminium (same thickness, same holes for mounting) - and on the lower side a heating element. So that would be a "swappable heated printbed".

    Combined with a nice PSU and cabling with connectors, it wouldn't be _that_ much of a hassle. But it would be rather costly, as you need a second or a new PSU (maybe 50-80€) and the machined bed (same price?) - plus some cabling etc. bringing that price in the 150-200€ range (excluding tax and shipping?).

  10. Hi Ultimaker team,

    Hi everyone,

    I am thinking of building a 3D printer based on Ultimaker since I'm using it atm, and sell the printer. The printer will have different design as well. My question, how's the license agreement is since we can download the Ultimaker blueprint freely, will I be charged for patent infringement or something? I'm thinking of mass producing the printer with my research team.


    Go TangiBot, Go!!!!

  11. So if im understanding right the pin is just useless if there is no material in?


    Basically yes. It pushes against that black delrin (plastic) thing in the extruder and that in turn pushes against the filament (print-plastic) which is pressed into the spiked bolt in the extruder.

    Without material, no or few resistance, therefore pin is easy to turn ("loose"). :-)

    Happy building!

  12. You could try to set the number for filament thickness (diameter) to a smaller value, 2.80 or 2.75 while not changing the E setting.

    To my knowing (for what it's worth), the E value is quite fixed, as the ratio of movement is dictated by the physics of the stepper motor itself (how far it moves per impulse) and the gear ratios. So as long as the bolt grips the filament tight(!) it should always push 100mm with the same (unchanged) setting for E - because that is basically a linear feeding process. - Just be sure that the bolt grips the filament (you should feel it being pulled into the extruder, when you try to stop it from moving. IIRC the extruder is / should be able to lift 3-5kg of weight when pulling in filament).

    The volume on the other hand is a bit tricky, as it depends foremost on the diameter, but that diameter isn't necessarily constant along the length of the filament. I measured one of my 100m spools and found values like

    2.76 2.82 2.87 2.83 2.76 2.74 2.79 (actual values from the filament i currently use).

    So you can't even be sure that the test you print now is exactly the same as the one with filament 2 meters into the spool.

    Also (theoretically) your PLA (if you print with PLA) can accumulate humidity which accounts for volume / diameter but not to plastics (but to vapor). But that's usually negligible.

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