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Posts posted by 3design

  1. Mit Fabberworld PLA habe ich schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. Das nachtleuchtende war permanent 3.0 bis 3.1mm dick, blockierte mir den Schlauch und liess sich nur mit einer Zange mühsam wieder herausziehen. Das weisse war stellenweise über 3mm dick, nahm dann ab bis auf 2.6 mm runter und wieder auf 3 rauf. Bei der Qualität würde ich dort nicht bestellen.

    Das Rainbow Fun Pack von Faberdashery.com erfüllt meine Erwartungen komplett, der Durchmesser ist permanent um 2.9 rum.

  2. I just ordered the Rainbow Fun Pack and am curious what quality it will be. I will write about my experience later.

    Update: My filament arrived two days before and I printed a first object with transparent PLA (the pack contains 10 colours, from each 10m. I am completely satisfied with the filament, is goes well through th tube, with a diameter varying between 2.85 and 2.95mm.

    Tthe shipping costs are acceptable as well (as it is a more flat package, they charge only GBP 10.90 (while the PLA costs GBP 30) for a shipping from UK to Switzerland.

  3. I am not sure about the amount of PLA, but some emerges always after having stopped/finished the print. To wipe the glob off I usually wait until the next print, when the hotend is heated up again to print temperature, or I tell the printhead to go to home position and quickly remove the glob from the place the printhead has been, before it cool out.

  4. You were right, Robert; I'm quite sure that the differing diameters are the issue causing the trouble.

    The red filament (which worked flawless) has an oval diameter, varying between 2.76 and 2.93mm (three measurements), whereas the"glow in the dark" filament is between 2.91 and 3.04 mm.

    I'd be glad for an input, if such diameters are suitable at all for an ultimaker - what do you think?

  5. successful tightening seems to depend on the quality of the filament. In my case supposedly too thick filament caused the mechanism not to tighten properly an the feed mechanism to rub off material from the filament instead of pushing it towards the printer. So if you feed the printer electronically (eg. via the "extrude" function in the ulticontroller) be sure that the filament really moves. You check this by grabbing the filament just below where it enters to the feed mechanism (the wooden part) and check if it goes in or not. If it is blocked, don't tell the stepper motor to turn because otherwise it rubs off material and it gets a notch. This might cause problems when you print because less PLA is flowing through the nozzle.

  6. dust on the printing bed causes the first layer not to stick, but to bend and mess up. When I clean it gently with a humid paper and wipe away the water rest it with dry one, the layer sticks perfectly.

  7. I used the second filament for the first time, and it didn't look thicker (it was a piece cut off from a roll that was already in use before). In contrary, sometimes it was thinner (kind of grazed).

    The filament actually gets caught in the Bowden, but far beyond the hotend, sometimes 5 or even 10 cm before.

    I didn't see any old filamend remainder (it was red, and easily visible).

    As for the hotend version, I suppose it is the v2 (where can I check this?)

    I ordered and assembled the Ultimaker in November/December last year.

    Printing with the red filament went flawless - as for the feed, don't ask me about other beginner's troubles ;-)

    Update: I inserted again the red filament, and it went in much more smoother than the second one (it's "glow in the dark", but I can't tell from which supplier). Such, the problem seems to be the filament itself.

    Is this just "bad luck" as for the choice of the filament, or can you fix this in a way?

  8. Before changing the filament the printing went absolutely well, as what concerns the extruder, and the feed mechanism.

    Now I manally inserted a new filament, and used the ulticontroller function (prepare/move axis/extrude) at the end. First it works, but before the filament gets into the heating unit, it blocks somewhere and the feeding mechanism grinds off material from the filament. Such, the filament gets too thin to be transported well, the feed mechanism fails. As well, mechanically pushing forward the filament doesn't work because it seems to be blocked totally.

    How can I fix this?

    PS. extruder temperatur was set to 220, then to 180, which changed anything. The previous filament I took out by heating the noozle to 220, and then pulling it out manually.

  9. Yes, that's the crux of the matter, indeed. Copy-Paste of the shortcut doesn't work, so I had to chose the (more complicate) workaround to give admin rights to my user account, install Cura, and voila, the shortcut appears in the start menu

    Now I can proceed to the next step and find out why PC interface doesn't recognize the SD card *sigh*

  10. I can't figure out how to start Cura on Windows XP.

    I installed it properly, it run correctly after the installation (autostart) and connected to the printer.

    After closing it (to quit the admin account and re-open it in another user account) I couldn'd find the proper file to start it. It doesn't appear anywhere in a program shortcut list, and searching in the program files folder, I see the cura folder with dozens of files, but any clue which one starts the software. Anyone can help?

  11. Es ist 21.12.12, aber die Welt existiert immer noch :O

    Sie ist sogar noch schöner geworden: Seit gestern steht in meiner guten Stube in Luzern ein frisch gebauter Ultimaker :mrgreen:

    Auch von meiner Seite: Wer will kann gerne mal vorbeischauen.

  12. Hi

    In two weeks I am going to build an Ultimaker, during a course in the FabLab Lucerne.

    If you were in my position - being quite a beginner with anything concerning 3D printing: How would you prepare for such a course? Which subjets, issues such as processes, software, methods are of prime importance to have at least a notion of?

    Which sites, forums, blogs etc. do you recommend me? Maybe you know somebody who build one himself and described his experience?

  13. Hallo

    In knapp zwei Wochen werde ich im FabLab Luzern meinen Ultimaker zusammenbauen - bin schon ganz kribblig :)

    Als Anfänger habe ich natürlich noch kaum eine Ahnung von der ganzen Materie.

    Wie würdet ihr euch am besten darauf vorbereiten? Welche Themen (Prozesse, Software, Verfahren etc.) sind so relevant, dass ich sie unbedingt schon kennen sollte?

    html hab ich schon mal programmiert, Löten und ähnliches ist auch kein Fremdwort ;)

    Welches (theoretische) Wissen sollte ich mir unbedingt noch aneignen?

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