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Everything posted by ltc

  1. After almost 3 months, I still have the same problem on the strange layer. My model in Cura of UM Original looks like this. It has a hollow center. In "Layers" mode, you may see a layer covering the hole in middle. It is not supposed to be generated. Here is my settings. The "Fix horrible" options are unchecked. I think it could be caused by the distance between model and the buildplate. So I try to make it higher. But the layer still exists. The issue also happens in Cura of UM2. Any advice?
  2. @gr5 the pitures in this post are printing results of enabling retraction.
  3. Sometimes my print remains many small filament on inner or outer surface. How to make the finish more smooth and clean.
  4. I uncheck the settings, but the result looks the same.
  5. Thank you all. I will try to uncheck the setting and print. Next time I will change the way of sharing pictures.
  6. I found cura sometimes generates additional layer during printing. Please check the top of the model and the print. The original file looks like this. File "01.jpg" And the print result as below. File "31316.jpg" How to remove the additional layer on model top?
  7. Thank you all. I cut a little length of the tube, and it does work~.
  8. The tube of UM usually gets moving recently. Though I firmly load the tube into the coupler, it slowly moves upward. How to fix it? File "IMAG0971.jpg" File "IMAG0974.jpg" The blue clip ring is alright. File "IMAG0972.jpg" It also has some bad influence on print finish. File "IMAG0975.jpg"
  9. It also has some abnormal sound when it is printing. I'm not sure if it is clear enough in the video. File "VIDEO0097.mp4"
  10. I received a new UM2 and tried printing today. But there is a bit strange noise when the bed goes up and down. You may check the attached video or watch it here. File "VIDEO0096.mp4" What's wrong with it?
  11. Thank you for your patience and the help. I think the bed sinks down a little bit after it touches the Z switch. I don't know if the sinking gap makes the deviation. File "VIDEO0092.mp4"
  12. @gr5 I think I found the key point of the skipping backwards issue. It is caused by the unsteady gap between extruder and build plate. The extruder sometimes runs too far or close to the build plate. When it is too close, the material feeder will keep skipping backwards because of the pressure. This situation will also lead to the material get ground. You may find the gap deviation in the video. File "VIDEO0088_01.mp4" I usually need to repeat the leveling calibration many times, and then the build plate can regularly work . It is annoying. Do you have any solution? @illuminarti After updating the latest firmware, I found the PLA material must be worked at over 240C. Otherwise, it will get underextrusion. Furthermore, the print looks not good as before. You can see two similar prints with different qualities. File "IMAG0741.jpg" File "IMAG0743.jpg" They are printed at the same Cura setting, but the first one has much smoother surface. How to make it back to the better status?
  13. Thank you for the suggestion of firmware updating. The issue of stop printing with material retraction is resolved. In term of skipping backwards, I wonder if the sound is normal. There are 2 different kinds of sound when the feeder gear goes backwards in the video. I know the second sound is regular retraction (or the skip backwards sound?), but the first one sounds strange. File "VIDEO0071_01.mp4" Here you can see a part of the material has been ground and damaged by the feeder gear. File "VIDEO0068.mp4" I have raise the temp up to 250. That is how it works about 10 minutes after printing star. The filament cannot be added layer by layer. File "VIDEO0074.mp4" So I guess it is supposed to be Z axis issue. How to calibrate the Z-axis position?
  14. I found another issue about Y-axis. Please watch the rod movement in the video. The rod looks unstable. How to calibrate it? Can I get a replacement part from UM company? Or exchange a completely new printer? File "VIDEO0064_01.mp4" When I make UM2 stop printing in half way, it sometimes auto retract the filament out of extruder. Sometimes the extruder just go back to home position without filament retraction. Why does it happen?
  15. Thank you for the advise. I found the screws of Y-axis are loose, and they have been tightened this afternoon. Please check how it works now. File "VIDEO0061_01.mp4" I try to print a model, but there are problems. The surface of this model is supposed to be smooth. But you may see it is a little strange from the middle to the top. File "VIDEO0053.mp4" I also found the material feeder sometimes make weird sound. File "VIDEO0052_01.mp4"
  16. Thank you for the glass and glue advise. But sometimes the glue doesn't stick well, and the PLA print gets warp as below. So I have to add more glue. File "977193524340.jpg" I try to check the X axis rod. Is it in regular status? File "VIDEO0042.mp4" I also find the gap at right side between rod and wall is bigger than the left side (I check in the video). Is it the normal and default setting?
  17. I think axis rods and belts looks good. Could you find any trouble in the video? File "VIDEO0038.mp4" File "VIDEO0040.mp4"
  18. I found my UM2 got some problems. Here is prints comparison of the file coming along with UM2. File "IMAG0678.jpg" File "IMAG0677.jpg" When I print a bigger model, the deviation of Z axis is even worse. These are the result of prints from a working well UM and the faltering UM2. File "IMAG0655.jpg" File "IMAG0650.jpg" You may see the print on UM is straightly built up, but the one printed by UM2 apparently leans to one side. Additionally, I found the distance between extruder and buildplate does not fit the height after leveling adjustment. I guess it may be caused by Z axis problem, and I need to know how to fix it. Any advise?
  19. Thank you for the reply. Actually, the video was shot under the situation of printing with USB. The flickering led screen is on heating process and suddenly turns to 0 degree. So I don't understand how to fix it.
  20. After I make the firmware of UM1 updated with Cura 13.12, the print head can't be well heated. File "VIDEO0024_01.mp4" The led monitor of controller also shows wrong temp. For instance, when the nozzle got heated, the temp number sometimes shows from 32 directly to 67. When it reaches 210, it suddenly goes down to 196. I'm not sure if it is caused by nozzle jam. It looks like overflow. File "IMAG0357.jpg" How to repair the problems?
  21. @Sander Due to the previous announcement, I supposed every order would be shipped within 2 weeks after 21/10. I totally placed 3 orders of Ultimaker2. It does a great effect on my work since the lead time delay. How can I write to you directly? Please don't make mention of sales and support ticket. Those queries always got answered more than 10 days, so I really doubt if you take it seriously.
  22. Because of running out of the PLA 2.85 filament, I try to use ABS 1.75 filament. But I found the extruding is not stable, and the result looks like this. Does Ultimaker not accept the 1.75mm filament? Or do I miss any setting?
  23. I think my prints have the similar issue.http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/853/1xuy.jpg/ is the head part of a miniature, about 60 mm tall, printed with PLA at 0.1 mm layer thickness and 0% infill. The other http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/822/fjb9.jpg/ is a figurine. Its face looks seamed with a big wrinkle. It is also printed with PLA at 0.06 mm layer thickness and 0% infill. The fan of my Ultimaker always keeps turning on and the problem occasionally happens. I suppose it might caused by the extruder leaking.
  24. Thank you for the replies. One more question~ how weigh is UM2 ?
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