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  1. See my post here for my settings and a video. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/8506-anyone-got-any-tips-for-printing-when-the-first-layer-has-lots-of-tiny-part/?p=86450
  2. I just found raft to be very usefull for a good first layer every time and even with a lot of small details in the first layer. My raft settings peel of really easy for my PLA. Maybe not with other brands. I use raft every time now. Okay i waste some pla on the raft, but all my prints works on the first layer. My settings is like this. Extra margin = 5.0 Line spacing = 2.0 Base thickness = 0.35 Base line width = 1.0 Interface thickness = 0.25 Interface line width = 0.4 Airgap = 0.215 First layer airgap = 0.0 (why both airgap and firstlayer airgap?) Surface layers = 2 Surface layer thickness = 0.25 Surface layer line width = 0.7 My temp is 180 degree for raft and first layer and then use the plugin change at z to set temp to 200 at layer 1 so layer 0 is 180. Then in advanced settings i set first layer to 0.25 heigth en 0.5 width. In my start gcode in set fan on 100% for the raft And fan settings to be on 100% from layer 0. A small video to show it all https://fbcdn-video-b-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xpf1/v/t43.1792-2/10810908_10152821049117954_317418998_n.mp4?rl=1500&vabr=960&oh=8fe024d0d7dcb9cb1ca2a10510cb999c&oe=54ABDAF3&__gda__=1420548519_f0867c389e4d5d96eb586d6de4560f08 And another video of a larger object. Jesper ps. this both works on heated glas and on kold bed with blue tape.
  3. You can oneclick install it here http://software.opensuse.org/package/Cura It's the one under the repo "home:Kenzu:3d-print" Hope you enjoy it.
  4. I think you need to compile it your self. Look here for instructions https://github.com/daid/Cura#debian-and-ubuntu-linux One problem I see is that it's for i386 or amd64, a raspberry pi is ARMv6, so I think you need to edit package.sh and add ARMv6 support. I the top add this to the list of build targets #BUILD_TARGET=debian_armv6 And then after this add a new build target ############################# # Debian 64bit .deb ############################# if [ "$BUILD_TARGET" = "debian_amd64" ]; then export CXX="g++ -m64" A LOT CODE REMOVED HERE FOR BETTER VIEW ############################# # Rest ############################# Add the new build target before ^^^ #REST with this code: ############################# # Debian armv6 .deb ############################# if [ "$BUILD_TARGET" = "debian_armv6" ]; then export CXX="g++ -march=armv6 -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard" if [ ! -d "Power" ]; then git clone https://github.com/GreatFruitOmsk/Power else cd Power git pull cd .. fi rm -rf CuraEngine git clone ${CURA_ENGINE_REPO} if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failed to clone CuraEngine"; exit 1; fi make -C CuraEngine if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failed to build CuraEngine"; exit 1; fi rm -rf scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/usr/share/cura mkdir -p scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/usr/share/cura cp -a Cura scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/usr/share/cura/ cp -a resources scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/usr/share/cura/ cp -a plugins scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/usr/share/cura/ cp -a CuraEngine/CuraEngine scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/usr/share/cura/ cp scripts/linux/cura.py scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/usr/share/cura/ cp -a Power/power scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/usr/share/cura/ echo $BUILD_NAME > scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/usr/share/cura/Cura/version sudo chown root:root scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET} -R sudo chmod 755 scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/usr -R sudo chmod 755 scripts/linux/${BUILD_TARGET}/DEBIAN -R cd scripts/linux dpkg-deb --build ${BUILD_TARGET} $(dirname ${TARGET_DIR})/cura_${BUILD_NAME}-${BUILD_TARGET}.deb sudo chown `id -un`:`id -gn` ${BUILD_TARGET} -R exit fi Now build the package and hope for the best with sudo ./package.sh debian_armv6 sudo dpkg -i ./scripts/linux/cura*.deb Jesper
  5. okay, this i kind of bad :-( Hope Daid will respond to this. But nice catch.
  6. Nice, but could you please enable builds for 12.04 precise to?
  7. I works fine i KISSlicer for me. I only use 0.075mm z-lift. And for me a small spike is better than a long drag-line.
  8. If just cura did a small z-lift on non-printing moves. Like 0.1-0.2mm then it would make a nice finish.
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