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Posts posted by cleven

  1. I always got a reply and have yet to have issues other than maybe having to wait max 5 days for an answer to things.

    You will always get a reply or help or replacements with things

    You need to remember they are a small company with limited people/resources.

    There are much worse options out there when it comes to printer customer service :)

    The forums are a great place to try and find a solution first. This machine is open sourced and I feel in a way it is open more to those who like to test variations and push the limits of the machine. All the while Ultimaker (the company) is all for it :)


  2. Oil related but I use my 3d printer for it :) but it isn't needed.


    Live about 2 hours south-west from Trondheim, kinda in the middle between Trondheim and Kristiansund.


    Moving to the states to start a business sound interesting :D

    May I ask what business you are starting? (3D-printing related?)


  3. Where in Norway are you?

    I'm in stavanger for the time being. moving to the USA soon to help start a new business. But here for now lol


    Yeah, the 25% tax on top of an already expensive machine :p but at least I'm aware of it ;)

    I just close my eyes and try to forget about it when paying the tax, and I will at least have one nice piece of equipment to think of instead


  4. Update!

    The final and best resulting tests were using these specifications below. Each of the variations went through approx10hrs of printing where I was randomly testing the extrusion rate. (I was printing some large objects for work)

    After each variation and test I cleaned out the nozzle by removing all material inside. This was done by heating the nozzle to 210c, pushing in a small section of filament until there was extrusion. Then allowing the nozzle to cool and pulling on the filament when it reached 90c.This ensured a clean start for each test.

    The round at the bottom can be ignored, but remove any burrs present by slightly breaking/smoothing the edge. The chamfer at the top greatly assisted in material insertion. Without the chamfer it became annoying during the material changes at times. The main OD is around 11mm but does not matter as long as it is larger than the OD of the spring.




  5. Yeah. I think it is luck if they are busy or not. Small company normal people doing their best :).


    Ok, then there might still be hope. It is about a week ago.


    I am not used to so long delays. in my business, we have 4 to 24 hours SLAs based on what type of device. So a week seemed very long to me. Thanks.


  6. You can even get a hold of them on the forums. What severity level did you se on your ticket? I did a ticket once they replied within a week or so. You can always call by phone too. They have answered any time it have called.


    How do you contact UM2 support ?

    I have tickets open there since over a week with no answers.


  7. 260c... Maxed out. You are reducing friction with heat, yes but there are other material issues!. This temperature is where the ptfe will start to break down. This may make things worse over time.

    I'd order a new one and then

    Since you cut it. Maybe Try re drilling out the hole slightly making sure it is clean inside and all edges are smooth. Slide the filament before and after, you should notice a drastic improvement with friction.


    Have you modified the feeder yet?

    Print Irobertls feeder it allows you to Better adjust the pressure on the filament. Make sure you make all the parts where the filament can touch smooth. :) also ensure your Bowden tube is secure and not moving with the retraction.

  8. Oilfield models for a conference and sales. This is 1/3 of the model all printed at 1/4 scale. Many separate parts and welds which hold the original together which is the reason for multi parts. Also the main part is larger than machine capacity :)



  9. As many issues it is probably the PTFE part located above the printer head. After long use it can deform slightly causing a restriction on the material :(. The second is the feeder itself. If the feeder is slipping it can chew into the material causing friction in the tubing/ptfe exacerbating the friction/problem. I noticed that this with me increased over the printing time as you have described.

    1 Clean the feeder or try some of the secondary options posted on Youmagine,

    2 Inspect the bowden tube for damage

    3. Take apart the printer head and inspect the white PTFE part for inner roughness. You can possibly drill out the hole slightly increasing the ID to redress the tube profile. Ultimaker is now providing a glass filled PTFE which has slightly better properties compared to the original. If there is damage perhaps you can put in a ticket or just order a new one.

    There are many posts about this extrusion problem, I posted some of my tests here http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/7024-teflon-spacer-replacement/

    Or maybe it is something totally different :)




  10. I printed with it for around 20 hrs made a large model for work overnight with it. It kept going strong no issues. I switched to a ptfe part since I had nice bar stock and I wanted to conduct some testing. I was able to create a higher precision part with my ptfe stock part compared to my irregular peek stock I have.

    The main benefit of the PTFE is a reduced friction coefficient, but I am able to create a much smoother machined surface with Peek compared to the PTFE. I also noticed vast improvements when I opened up the hole by 0,4mm. I am currently testing on 3.00mm +/- 0.1. It has been running now for 5 hrs no issues very good quality with the updated PTFE part.

    The improvements I have made on the machine and the quality of the prints I have done for work has actually turned into a sale for Ultimaker and as well paid off my machine and given me vast amounts of printing material :), they are in the works of ordering the ultimaker due to the low costs relative to returned savings. I print PLA models of our designed peek/torlon parts to fit before we send/order for machining. These torlon and peek parts no matter how small they are cost on average more than the machine. Having printed test parts to verify saves a lot o cash and time :)


    PEEK isn't a great choice, we tested that with PLA and it jammed within an hour.


  11. The chamfer at the end of the feed tube (top of the ptfe)`? (note I modified the feed tube to match the chamfer edge so once out of the PTFE it is somewhat seamless. These tests improved my machine, maybe another it can have a different effect)

    If you mean at the bottom of the ptfe It isnt a chamber, it is rounding the edge. as it is currently a sharp edge. I basically broke the edge slightly to avoid the small burr (possibly not even seen by the eye) that is created from machining. I modeled the round just for reference. The round actually improved material removal as there isnt a straight edge to grab. I tested all options and this was the best in printing flow, no issues with removal on really any of the designs.

    This as you say is the reason is why I created a few variances. One had a chamfer, it worked but there wasnt much of a difference compared to the straight 90, the second was just an edge 90 similar to the current Ultimaker design, and the third was just breaking the edge slightly with a small roundish profile to remove the 90 point. If you look you may not even notice that there is a round, basically smoothing out any sharpness.

    The thought is, that at higher temperatures there is a visible deformation of the PTFE. This deformation can cause a narrowing profile from the compression on the bottom edge. This narrowing is due to it is the only place the material can "flow". The round profile at temp and pressure from the spring should be virtually non present and would absorb any deformation from the pressure. Or at least that is my theory :D.

    Tests ive done on other products but similar materials.

    Ceramic vs Peek vs PTFE vs Torlon. I have conducted long term temperature tests with Ceramic, peek, ptfe and torlon. Torlon is king in this dept relative to machining and cost as it holds up to temperatures in the 275-300c range. i'm searching through scrap now to see if i can test the Torlon. Each have varying properties some good some bad :)


  12. If I can find the barstock of peek that was laying around it would be easier. Currently I have to create the bar using an irregular shaped piece of scrap. It takes a long time to cut it down to round. Otherwise I wouldnt have an issue with sending you one.


    I wouldn't mind getting one as well if you decide to make a couple :)


  13. Update, I wanted to see if I could fix the PTFE design.

    I acquired some high quality PTFE bar stock (we have as leftovers at work). I made some small changes to the design of the original spacer.

    Added a 0.5 mm chamfer to the opening to allow for easier entrance and for retraction, also increased the hole size to 3.97. Rounded the exit area slightly. I tested this first had no issues.noticed a drastic improvement similar to my peek one.

    After this test I modified the original PTFE part to match; instant improvement also.



  14. I have one of the first versions of the U2, and I have been having issues with printing under extrusion. I so far have been able to correct this by simply printing a bit slower. I was meaning to order a new one and or call ultimaker to have one shipped.

    One issue with the PTFE is its compressive and tensile strength, especially near heat.

    I have access to a lot of scrap peek, so I decided to create a PEEK replacement.

    The comparisons are as follows:

    Tensile Strength: PTFE = 25-35MPa, Peek = 90-100MPa

    Compressive Strength PTFE = 30-40MPa, Peek 140MPa

    Thermal expansion is approx 1/3 lower for Peek.

    The machine ability of PEEK is better than PTFE and it is easier to have a smoother polished surface.

    With the constant movement of the filament wire through the PTFE the higher strength PEEK should maintain its structure better than the PTFE allowing it to avoid possible friction issues.

    I conducted the flow test cyclinder to 10mm3/s and noticed an improvement of two levels. I was able to complete the cyclinder with the new PEEK spacer.




  15. I did it once. Used a photocopier to scan the key. Then imported the image and traced after the scaling was verified. Worked like a charm.


    Not first try. I revised it once. But it was pretty close :). Only the railings had to be moved a little. The key pattern was good.


  16. started playing around with clip together parts and rotational parts using a single print.

    Pretty pleased with the results. These were printed simply to test the concept and feasibility. I printed one for a friend who may test it out this weekend on a hike.






  17. I had the same issue with mine a week after I received it.

    It got to the point I was unable to print. I then decided to inspect the stepper motors. There was dirt/debris in-between the outer housing and the stepper motor. I removed the motor and cleaned the area. When I did this, I also happened to notice some issues with the stepper motor with debris effecting it also. I cleaned everything I could. Reattached everything and sound was gone! It also drastically improved print quality, and I have yet to have any issues in the last 6 months.

    Looking at the housing image below, you can see there is very little room between the rotation and the cover. If there is dirt in there at all it causes vibration in the housing :( It would be nice to ventilate or have a cleaning hole with protection cover.



  18. Jbeale, I'm open to the idea of free cad software. But my reference was to the people who just learned how to extrude a star or a box and hen they post the models. :(

    My belief is that anything printed needs to have function or a reason to exist. Otherwise it is a waste. There must be some use to someone else other than the designer too. Example posting a box with the name John Doe in it doesn't benefit a secondary user.

    I also get a lot of spam from other startup sites wanting to "feature me" bla bla crap. I think that for an account to exist there must be more of a waiting period for youmagine accounts or at least it requires a few approved posts or models uploaded. Or the accounts get deleeted with no activity at all.

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