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Posts posted by DidierKlein

  1. From what i've read it seems that the main problem for PLA is heat. If exposed to the sun a black object might begin to 'melt' and loose its form. Other than that the biodegradability of PLA won't occur in natural conditions.

    I wasn't able to find many informations about this. My guess is white PLA should behave good outdoor.


  2. I'm interested in this topic because i plan to make some outdoor stuff.

    I found this topic showing how a printed PLA object behaves in nasty conditions:


    I'm wondering if applying paint or some kind of varnish would change this... i have no experience sadly, during my internet search i found some stuff talking about dipping in Epoxy?

    This is interesting too:



  3. Voici les infos que j'ai reçues par mail:


    Lets begin with next week. We are looking at a lead time of 10 - 11 weeks.

    That means orders placed until 13 december 2013 will be shipped during that week.


    From that week on we will (finally) see some improvement and we will make some progress on the lead time.

    Week 10 (week from March 3rd) will ship all orders until January 1st. This means the lead time at that point has decreased to 9 weeks.


    Week 11 (week from March 7th) will have all orders shipped until January 16th. The lead time will be 8 weeks at that point.


  4. Pour info moi qui suis en attente de livraison (commandée le 10 Janvier) j'ai reçu un mail dernierement qui me disait que les délais de livraison étaient améliorés et que pour moi ce serait 8 semaines. Donc oui il y a un délais mais d'après tout ce que je vois ca en vaut la peine...

    Patience ^^


  5. Tu fais Save profile ça te crée un fichier ini du genre:



    layer_height = 0.1

    wall_thickness = 0.8

    retraction_enable = True

    solid_layer_thickness = 0.6

    fill_density = 20

    nozzle_size = 0.4

    print_speed = 50

    print_temperature = 220

    print_temperature2 = 0

    print_temperature3 = 0

    print_temperature4 = 0

    print_bed_temperature = 70

    support = None

    platform_adhesion = Raft

    support_dual_extrusion = Both

    wipe_tower = False

    ooze_shield = False

    filament_diameter = 2.85

    filament_diameter2 = 0

    filament_diameter3 = 0

    filament_diameter4 = 0

    filament_flow = 100.0

    retraction_speed = 40.0

    retraction_amount = 4.5

    retraction_dual_amount = 16.5

    retraction_min_travel = 1.5

    retraction_combing = True

    retraction_minimal_extrusion = 0.1

    bottom_thickness = 0.3

    object_sink = 0.0

    overlap_dual = 0.2

    travel_speed = 150.0

    bottom_layer_speed = 20

    infill_speed = 0.0

    cool_min_layer_time = 5

    fan_enabled = True

    skirt_line_count = 1

    skirt_gap = 3.0

    skirt_minimal_length = 150.0

    fan_full_height = 5.0

    fan_speed = 100

    fan_speed_max = 100

    cool_min_feedrate = 10

    cool_head_lift = False

    solid_top = True

    solid_bottom = True

    fill_overlap = 15

    support_fill_rate = 15

    support_xy_distance = 0.7

    support_z_distance = 0.15

    spiralize = False

    brim_line_count = 20

    raft_margin = 5

    raft_line_spacing = 1.0

    raft_base_thickness = 0.3

    raft_base_linewidth = 0.7

    raft_interface_thickness = 0.2

    raft_interface_linewidth = 0.2

    fix_horrible_union_all_type_a = False

    fix_horrible_union_all_type_b = False

    fix_horrible_use_open_bits = False

    fix_horrible_extensive_stitching = False

    plugin_config = (lp1


    object_center_x = -1

    object_center_y = -1



    start.gcode = ;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}

    ;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}

    ;Print time: {print_time}

    ;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g

    ;Filament cost: {filament_cost}

    ;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line

    ;M109 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line

    G21 ;metric values

    G90 ;absolute positioning

    M107 ;start with the fan off

    G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops

    G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops

    G1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm

    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length

    G1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock

    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again

    G1 F{travel_speed}

    ;Put printing message on LCD screen

    M117 Printing...

    end.gcode = ;End GCode

    M104 S0 ;extruder heater off

    M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)

    G91 ;relative positioning

    G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure

    G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more

    G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way

    M84 ;steppers off

    G90 ;absolute positioning

    start2.gcode = ;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}

    ;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}

    ;Print time: {print_time}

    ;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g

    ;Filament cost: {filament_cost}

    ;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line

    ;M104 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line

    ;M109 T1 S{print_temperature2} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line

    ;M109 T0 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line

    G21 ;metric values

    G90 ;absolute positioning

    M107 ;start with the fan off

    G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops

    G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops

    G1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm

    T1 ;Switch to the 2nd extruder

    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length

    G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock

    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again

    G1 F200 E-{retraction_dual_amount}

    T0 ;Switch to the first extruder

    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length

    G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock

    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again

    G1 F{travel_speed}

    ;Put printing message on LCD screen

    M117 Printing...

    end2.gcode = ;End GCode

    M104 T0 S0 ;extruder heater off

    M104 T1 S0 ;extruder heater off

    M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)

    G91 ;relative positioning

    G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure

    G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more

    G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way

    M84 ;steppers off

    G90 ;absolute positioning

    support_start.gcode =

    support_end.gcode =

    cool_start.gcode =

    cool_end.gcode =

    replace.csv =

    switchextruder.gcode = ;Switch between the current extruder and the next extruder, when printing with multiple extruders.

    G92 E0

    G1 E-36 F5000

    G92 E0


    G1 X{new_x} Y{new_y} Z{new_z} F{travel_speed}

    G1 E36 F5000

    G92 E0

    G1 X{new_x} Y{new_y} Z{new_z} F{travel_speed}

    G1 E36 F5000

    G92 E0



  6. Salut,

    Bienvenue sur le forum ;)

    Je n'ai pas encore mon imprimante donc je ne te donne que de la théorie de ce que j'ai pu lire sur le forum dans la partie anglaise.

    Est ce que les pointes apparaissent sur les parties les plus hautes de l'objet que tu imprime (comme sur la pyramide)?

    Parce que si c'est le cas:


    This is a common problem and easy to fix.

    The problem is that the nozzle never leaves the small area at the top and so the plastic never has a chance to cool down. The best and simplest solution unfortunately is to print something else nearby that is taller or the same height. I would personally probably print 2 sharks. Alternatively you can put a tall cylinder next to the shark that is slightly taller.

    Be careful to look at it in the slicer and make sure that it prints both parts at the same time and not one part followed by the other. You can force this with a checkbox somewhere in the new cura menus or you can go to machine settings and set gantry height to 0.


    Sinon y aussi ce sujet peut etre?


    Moi j'aurais tendance a dire qu'il s'agit d'un probleme de refroidissement du plastique, comme la surface a créer est petite les couches du bas non pas le temps de refroidir assez avant d'avoir d'autres couches sur le dessus, donc ca fait une sorte de blob sur le dessus.

    Encore une fois ce n'est que de la théorie. Sinon ca pourrait etre un phénomène qui s'appelle 'stringing' en anglais. Essaie de poser la question en anglais il y a plein de mecs supers callés ;)


  7. Patience Olivier ^^ moi commandée le 10 Janvier :eek:

    Par contre visiblement ils tiennent compte du moment ou ils ont l'argent et pas le moment ou la commande a été passée.

    On verra si c'est plus rapide pour la Belgique que pour le Quebec... en attendant moi je parcours le forum y a une tonne d'information super interessante a lire :geek:


  8. En fait moi je n'ai que des connaissances théoriques vu que l'imprimante a été commandée au mois de janvier :(

    Mais d'après ce que je lis sur le forum (je le parcours régulièrement depuis la commande ^^) il y a plusieurs méthodes pour qu'un object imprimé adhère bien a la plaque.

    Il y a le gluestick qui est fourni avec je pense.

    Pour ce qui est du brim en gros ça te crée quelques couches avant la premiere et ça "entoure" l'objet d'une surface plus grande (je crois que c'est paramétrisable dans CURA) l'avantage il me semble c'est:

    1. Meilleure adhérence a la plaque.

    2. Si jamais tu as un coté qui se lève, c'est pas l'objet final mais le coutour.

    Si tu le met dans CURA et que tu passe en vue layer tu verras de quoi je parle. Après y a pas mal de sujets sur le forum mais en anglais (je maitrise bien l'anglais donc s'il y a des choses que tu (ou vous) ne comprenez pas demandez moi :)

    Je vais voir si je trouve un des sujets que j'avais lu sur ça


    Y a pas mal de sujet super interessant avec des conseils de gr5 ou illuminati qui semblent vraiment callé comme celui ci:



  9. I'm also in the same situation.

    I think that it depends on what type of objects you will want to make. I tested a few and i'm quite lazy I want something straitforward where you don't have to read a ton of information or tutorials.

    I've been trying FreeCad (http://www.freecadweb.org/) this weekend and it looks pretty easy to understand. I don't have much experience for the moment but i've been able to create an object i had in my mind in a couple of minutes

    Google Sketchup is also pretty easy but i think it's limited in use.

    There are a lot of softwares out there it's not easy to find something for total newbies like me. I look at blender and i was afraid by the complexity.

    OpenScad looks interesting but i think you need to have some experience with programming and languages.


  10. C'est bizarre que tu ne puisses pas sélectionner Brim dans Platform Adhesion Type.

    Moi ça fonctionne. Mais je suis en version 13.11.2 je sais pas si ca a quelque chose a voir. Sinon tu dois peut etre activer Full Settings dans le Menu Expert -> Switch to full settings.

    Y a un user guide de Cura qui est plutot interessant a lire aussi disponible dans Support sur le site.

    Pour voir les couches de brim il faut passer en mode de vue Layers sinon on ne voit pas la différence.


  11. Il faudrait des photos pour voir.

    Si je comprends bien ta question, tu as les bords qui se soulèvent? Si c'est ça en anglais ça se dit "Warping". Il y a quelques sujets sur le forum.


    Si tu imprimes en PLA il faut que le lit chauffant soit a 70°c et ajouter Brim comme type de support dans Cura (ça aide bien visiblement)

    Maintenant je ne te donne que la théorie parceque je n'ai pas encore mon UM2 :(


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