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Posts posted by dbrgn

  1. I can confirm that in our case replacing U6 and D16 helped! The UM2+ is again printing happily, for the cost of about 2$ of spare parts 🙂 Already has almost 5000 printing hours.


    In order to replace the parts, you'll probably need a hot-air rework station, solder paste, flux and maybe a desoldering station (vacuum pump) for cleaning the pads after desoldering. I ended up both desoldering and desoldering the IC with the hot-air rework station.

  2. I upgraded my UM2 to an UM2+ yesterday and upgraded the firmware using the current beta.

    Now it appears that when changing materials, the heat bed is also heated. That extends the time it takes to change filament by several minutes.

    Is that really the case? If yes, why?

    Also, the progressbar does not seem to work properly in the "change material" dialog.

  3. (Here's my entry, just in time!)

    My wife occasionally has problems with her joints. When they hurt and are swollen, she can barely hold a fork in her hand.

    There are "orthopedic" forks with thicker handles that can be bought, but they're usually expensive and/or ugly. We wanted something that would benefit everyone by making a 3D-printable handle for widely used (and easily available) IKEA forks.



    • modify / improve a fork so that it can be used by people with joint problems
    • it needs an "angled" surface, so that it's easier to grip
    • it should fit a regular IKEA Dragon fork
    • it should be removable, so that the forks can be washed in a regular dishwasher
    • it should be easy to print without support material


    I designed the fork in OpenSCAD so that the parameters could be customized if someone wants a thicker handle or has a different fork. The source code can be found here, licensed as CC BY-SA so that others can profit too.

    Here's the result:



    The Ultimaker 2 prints the 0.1mm layer version in about 6.5 hours without any support and the quality is fantastic!

    For increased stability, the two parts are connected using horizontal "cross-beams". But because 90° overhangs are hard to print, we designed the beams at a 45° angle. Finally, the two sides are held together with two rubber bands.

    Here's how you put the two parts together:


    And here are some of the prototypes:


    And finally, here's the 3D print card:

    (By the way, should this entry win, then the extrusion upgrade would benefit our local hackerspace, where the Ultimaker 2 is being used for many hours every week.)

    • Like 1
  4. Hi all

    This might interest some of you. As my student research project thesis in 2013 I created a Python library for 3D design / visualization.

    To quote the description from my project page:


    Tangible is a Python library to convert data into tangible 3D models. It generates code for different backends like OpenSCAD or ImplicitSCAD (not yet implemented). It is inspired by projects like OpenSCAD and d3.js.

    The difference from Projects like SolidPython is that Tangible is a modular system with an intermediate representation of objects that is capable of generating code for different backends, not just OpenSCAD. Additionally, its main focus is not general CAD, but printable 3D visualization of data.

    Example of a 3D visualization:


    So to summarize, this library lets you easily convert data (like time series, for example) to 3D visualizations in the OpenSCAD format, that can in turn be converted to STL.

    Project is here: https://github.com/dbrgn/tangible

    Docs: http://tangible.readthedocs.org/

    Thesis: http://eprints.hsr.ch/351/

    Would be great to get some feedback!


    • Like 1
  5. I simply downgraded to an older version. 13.06.5 seems to work fine.

    You might be right about the UltiGcode thing. In contrast to the older version, in the newer version this whole part is missing from the preamble:


    G21 ;metric values
    G90 ;absolute positioning
    M107 ;start with the fan off
    G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
    G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops
    G1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm
    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
    G1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock
    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
    G1 F9000
    M117 Printing...

    I last upgraded the firmware about half a year ago. I guess I'll have to do that again, to be compatible with the newer version...


  6. Since Cura 13.10, when exporting G-Code files and printing them on my Ultimaker 2 via SD Card, the files seem to be buggy. The print head immediately starts to print in mid-air, without raising the build platform and without heating the head.

    The temperature shows "22/0 °C".

    Here's one of the generated G-Code files, if someone wants to analyze it: http://tmp.dbrgn.ch/bearing6.gcode

    I'm using Arch Linux with the package from AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cura/ (see https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cu/cura/PKGBUILD)


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