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Posts posted by jeroen-somers

  1. Sinds deze week (na een windows update) Werkt mijn Cura niet meer.


    Ik heb diverse cura's versies geinstalleerd gehad (tegelijk en los van mekaar)

    Als ik cura probeer te starten zie je een klein laadicoontje bij de muis, Cura wordt heel even in taakbeheer weergegeven en vervolgens stop het laden en verdwijnt die weer uit taakbeheer.

    Heb verschillende nieuwe cura's geprobeerd (en oudere versies)


    Ik weet me geen raad meer, zonder cura kan ik niet printen en dan heb ik ook niets aan mijn 3D printers.


    Hoop dat iemand een oplossing heeft voor dit probleem.


    Mocht er meer informatie nodig zijn dan hoor ik dit graag.


    Groet, Jeroen


  2. check all the cables on top of the printhead: the two very thin wires entering the green block and the white connectors, fiddle them a bit around and see if something changes on the temperature reading. Also move the wires of the fan away from the other wires.


    Is it possible that the wires cause a sort of noise interference between eachother?

    I will check them tonight as soon as I get home. Thank you for the reply

  3. Does that happen when the fans are also on? If so, try to set the full fans lower. There's are others workaround, but they ain't easy.


    I did that already but it wouldn't help.

    I have my printer for almost 3 years now and never had this kind of trouble before so that wouldn't be a good solution either.

    I don't mind getting my hands dirty so please tell me the non easy way.

  4. Hello,

    I was wondering if someone could help me with the following problem.

    I have a Ultimaker Original with heated bed upgrade.

    Yesterday the temperature on my Ulticontroller wasn't consistent.

    It was set to 210c but it displayed 203c, even when I turned it to 220c or higher it didn't change or changed a little bit to 204c and back to 202c.

    When I turned it lower, the temperature went lower, (like supposed to) but when turning it to 210c again, it climbed 1 or 2 degrees per minute. it also faltered a little bit (207c, 209c, 202c, 205c) Like it couldn't read the temperture correctly.

    What I think might be the problem is my temperature sensor or the heater (maybe both) are broke. But I'm not sure, I can 3D print almost anything, but when it comes to the electronic parts of the printer I don't know exactly where to look.

    Maybe this Ultimaker forum army of 3D enthusiastics can help me with the problem.



  5. The plugin runs before you save the file. Therefore it cannot know the final filename. The only thing it can know is the name of the temporary file created by Cura and handed over to the plugin.


    But the filename is created by the model you load, this model has a name and when you save it it becomes (modelname.gcode). And the model is loaded before the Plugin.

    Isn't there a way to get this name?


  6. Hi there all,

    I don't know if its been asked before (I've looked but couldn't find it).

    I am writing a Cura Plugin to display the current .gcode file that is selected from the SD card.

    Only I can't get the plugin working so maybe you could help me out here.

    What I want is that the message >> M117 Printing... <<

    is replaced with >> M117 ("filename".gcode) <<

    This is my plugin so far:


    #Name: Display Name

    #Info: Shows the name of the file on the display.

    #Type: postprocess

    import re, os.path

    def getFilename():

    return os.path.basename(filename)

    with open(filename, "r") as f:

    lines = f.readlines()

    with open(filename, "w") as f:

    for line in lines:

    if line.startswith('M117'):

    filename = getFilename()

    f.write("M117 " + filename + '\n')

    else :



    what it does, it replaces the printing message > M117 Printing...

    with this >> M117 CuraPluginTempz3u6ub

    This isn't my ("filename".gcode)

    This is some random temp file that is made when you save your cura model to .gcode

    If you need more information just say so.

    I hope someone can help me with this

    With kind regards,

    Jeroen Somers


  7. Hello my name is Jeroen from the Netherlands.

    I have a Ultimaker 1.

    My problem is the Fan at the printhead.

    I bought a second fan for some extra cooling.

    when i tried to test it I short circuit it.

    for a minute or 2 my printer didn't turn on. When it did turn on again my fan wouldn't stop spinning. it won't go off.

    For as far as i know the printer stil functions, its only the fan that's "crazy"

    Please help me.





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