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Everything posted by Everready

  1. mchughmp, Thank you for being so active on this platform. I am not able to access your google drive. Are these documents posted somewhere else? Congratulations on your masters!
  2. I like the advantages of the UM2 but i haven't heard back from the seller. My options are still open to both the UMO+ and the UM2 with your generous recommendations. Right now its boiling down to the initial cost since the used UM2 is less than the UMO+ Kit. This can change as new opportunities arise
  3. @rajilpahuja Thank you for the positive outlook. I wish you the best in creating and fine tuning your experiments to bring the community highly advanced upgrades for these engineering and medical plastics.
  4. Now I'm leaning toward the UM2 for this build. I would like to mount the steppers on the outside of the frame for proper cooling and longevity of the motors. I reffered to this as "reversing the steppers". Sorry for the vague phrasing. Cutting holes and mounting the motors on the outside of the UM2 seems fairly easy in principle but have only seen the UMO & UMO+ with this modification in my limited research. I have not customized or built firmware before but i imagine it will be very similar to @rajilpahuja since I would like to use E3D V6 hotend 1.75mm, bondtech BMG, and AC Silicone Bed heater. One of the differences I see between @rajilpahuja would be mounting the stepper motors on the outside which can be done at anytime and is not crucial to printing as seen by all of the work he has done.
  5. gr5 & rajilpahuja thank you for all of your contributions towards 3D printing and creating a better tool I am highly interested in starting a high temp/high strength Ultimaker build. Would you also be able to reverse the motors on the UM2? Currently I have a Wanhao Duplicator 4x and have been using it for 5 years( with slight improvements through soldering mosfets and changing G-code) and am looking for an Ultimaker to buy. I have used and modified the UM2 I use at work for my company but I want one for myself. Both the UMO+ and a used UM2 are within reach to start my project. Would either of you or anyone with experience have any recommendations for which one i should start with? Thank you again
  6. I have a duplicator 4x and trying to use cura. I have already corrected my offsets so the printer prints my object in the center like its supposed to. BUT!! after the first layer it looks terrible
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