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  1. Hey All! I'm having trouble with my Ultimaker 2 Extended printer (no mods) and I'm hoping someone can lend me a hand! I'm printing two large surface area objects next to one another and I can't get the first layer to stick right in all places. I swear I leveled the bed properly, as the perimeter lines print fine; but once it gets to the interior fill, it starts to ball up in random places. I have included a picture. Thank you so much for your help!
  2. Hello! Like Charles 320 above me, I am using a Printrbot Simple. Up until I downloaded 2.3 I was using the Pronterface from Cura 15.04.06 to much succes. Is there a chance that it will be showing itself again in this verison of the build? It really would make at least a few lives a lot easier. Liam
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