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Posts posted by MarcusWolschon

  1. 8 minutes ago, ahoeben said:


    See `"`Help -> Show configuration folder" in Cura.


    I do second your "why not?" though. @burtoogle, if I can be of help maintaining the package in the Marketplace, let me know.


    Well, you have to install it before starting Cura.

  2. 12 minutes ago, burtoogle said:


    I'm not sure it's required now, Windows users have reported that you don't have to do that and that Cura and other apps can share the mouse.



    Probably not.




    Why not? All other feature-plugins are there, the compatibility with different cura versions are taken care of,

    there are update notifications and aparently the "plugins" directory is managed by Cura and not supposed to have user content.


    So you have to repeat that with every single Cura update. Sometimes multiple times a week.

    With Windows making it difficult to navigate to your own user directory,

    hiding the "\AppData" directory,

    having 3 different profile directories,

    2 of them having "cura" subdirectories ("Roaming" and "local")

    while it should of cause be named "Ultimaker" with a "Cura" subdirectory, so you don't find it when searching for the manufacturer name.



    Is there a global "plugin" directory for all Cura versions, so the installation needs to be done only once?



    (Damn, why does this forum software give me a notification about a mention after having just replied to that mention?)


  3. Will the step "disable the normal Spacemouse driver" still be needed in the final version?

    Will a later version be available in the Cura Marketplace?

    Moving from CAD to Cura and then back to CAD for incremental improvements, this will be cumbersome.

  4. Ok, in
    I opened my custom machine instance definition


    and added the line

    "has_machine_materials = false"


    THEN started Cura 4.5

    Now I have materials.


    Many materials are missing. (e.g. all the EastMan Kodak).

    Here I can select a different printer, make a copy of the material in the Cura UI,

    then change to my printer and the ORIGINAL AND COPY of the material will suddenly be visible.

    I have yet to find out what the "[containers]" section means and how extruders are linked to machine_instances to tell it about my favorite 1.0mm nozzle. There seems to be no comprehensive documentation the roaming cura settings directory (luckily nothing in "local" or "localLow" in addition to "roaming").
    is the only documentation I could find and it has a very narrow focus.



  5. Oh, you mean selecting a different printer in Cura and using its g-code on the the UM2Ex. If the UM2+ having stronger fans doesn't matter, I can try that.

    The extruder g-code should be in mm/s of actual filament, so not having the geared down extruder shouldn't matter indeed.

  6. 21 minutes ago, nallath said:

    True. It's also a very uncommon situation. As with pretty much all issues, we have to do "triage". So we have to take the frequency and impact of an issue into account when deciding to do something about it.


    The first is not quite a bug, but a setting problem. Some extra settings have been introduced for the material station, which haven't been updated for all materials just yet.

    Well, ABS and PLA are missing to.

    If not all have been updated, then these would Probably have been the first to be updated. (I guess).

    One consequence of a Plugin Marketplace is that Material plugin will either not be updated at all or not in the sync with Cura updates. So old versions of the the schema must be supported for some time.



    As for the "Machine Settings", I'll see about providing a screenshot.

    The button is actually missing on my machine."Connect to Octoprint" is there for the newly created UM2 but not for the UM2 imported from the previous Cura version.


    I can not use the UM2+ profiles because it's not a + and I can't export materials from the Cura Marketplace into a Materials.txt that the printer understands. I can only export materials as an xml file for Cura.

    (there is a different thread asking about this from serveral years ago)


  7. Any update on this?


    With Cura 4.x (currently 4.5) we get Materials from the Cura Marketplace and they are regularly updated.

    So how to we get them from Cura into a MATERIALS.TXT thart an Ultimaker 2 or 2+ understands?

    • Like 1
  8. My existing printer (imported from previous Cura versions) has no "Machine settings" and no "Connect Octoprint" after the update to Cura 4.5 (and "Select Upgrades" is gone) . It does have these settings in Cura 4.3.


    I created 3 new printers.

    An "Ultimaker 2 extended with Olsson" with no changes,

    an "Ultimaker 2 extended with Olsson" with´ the printer configuration setting "g-code flavor"="reprap" and

    a "Prusa i3"


    The global, non-printer-dependent Cura configuration in


    Preferences->Configure Cura->Materials

    is empty, if any of the first 2 printers is selected.

    (It is Cura configuration. Not printer configuration and it is on the

    same navigation level as the list of all printers. So UX-wise it can not

    possibly depend on what printer is selected ouside the configuration

    dialog. )



    For the default UM2 there is no selection for materials. But also no way to copy the materials onto the SD card during the export of the sliced g-code onto the SD-card (or have the current version of all materials installed from the Marketplace be contained in the special Ultimaker flavored g-code).

    For the Prusa the selection is there.

    For the reprap UM2 there are no materials and no way to add materials to the printer after changing the g-code flavor to be exported. It does retain the material that was last selected in a different printer in addition to jumping to "generic PLA". You can just no longer change your selection except between these 2 materials without switching printers first.

    (Of cause only a UM2ex configured to produce Reprap flavored g-code can be connected to Octoprint.)


    I can also create a "Custom FFF printer" and copy all the parameters from the Reprap flavored UM2ex but there is no way to have a selectable nozzle size, all my custom print profiles are missing with this printer and no way to copy&paste an entire printer.

    • So I have to manually create a printer with a dozen settings for every...single...nozzle size I have (0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0) .
    • And maintain multiple copies of all my custom print profiles and keep them consistent every time I make a change. Just to switch between using an SD card and using Otcoprint.


    UX failures:

    • Missing indication in Cura configuration dialog that the list of all materials is somehow printer dependent
    • Missing indication in Cura configuration dialog that the list of print profiles is somehow  dependent on the manufacturer? g-code flavor? mark and model? of the current printer

    Plain bugs:

    • materials from the Cura Marketplace do not work (or even) in all printers that have a material selection.
    • Missing ability to share materials and print profiles among different printers.
    • choosing a diffent g-code flavor for an Ultimaker printer, breaks Cura despite your own printers understanding these g-code flavors perfectly well.
  9. The UM2Ex is run via Octoprint, so it has reprap flavor g-code. This should only have an effect on the exported flavor of g-code after slicing.


    There is a no UI to assign materials to a printer in the printer settings.


    The global list of all materials in FILE->settings->materials (that is independent of the selected printer) is empty despite Cura, Colorfabb and Eastman material plugin being installed.

  10. On 2/22/2020 at 6:04 PM, MarcusWolschon said:

    Cura 4.4.1, the same crash.

    4.4.0 and 4.4.1 don't even start due to something with the generic_pla profile.

    I have to keep using 4.3 because that works.



    Cura 4.5 starts well. No crash so far.

    However after slicing something and switching from 0.6 to 0.8 nozzle size (as this more closely resembles my 1.0mm nozzle) there are NO MATERIALS AT ALL.

    The Marketplace shows the Ultimaker and Eastman materials plugins to be installed.

    I uninstalled the Eastman materials plugin.

    Restarted Cura

    Installed it again.

    Restarted Cura.

    Still no material profiles at all.


  11. Cura 4.4.1, the same crash.

    4.4.0 and 4.4.1 don't even start due to something with the generic_pla profile.

    I have to keep using 4.3 because that works.



    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentCategoryModel.py", line 101, in _update

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 41, in __init__

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 67, in _update

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 109, in _getActiveMaterials

    KeyError: 'generic_pla'




  12. So in Cura 4 all my materials (including standard materials) except for 1 custom material

    are gone and one 2 of my print profiles show up.

    They all work perfectly fine in Cura 4.3 .

    How do I get them back the proper way

    on a Windows machine (no shell) without fiddling around in config files?

    I tried uninstalling Cura 4.4.0, deleting the cura 4.4 config and installing 4.4.1.

    But 4.4.1 doesn't even start. The currently selected material is generic PLA.

    A material that was completely missing in Cura 4.4.0 but is currently being used just fine in Cura 4.3



    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentCategoryModel.py", line 101, in _update

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 41, in __init__

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 67, in _update

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 109, in _getActiveMaterials

    KeyError: 'generic_pla'



  13. 11 minutes ago, GreyArea said:

    Whatever the application uses to accept those inputs...for instance, tinkercad uses mouse plus middle button to pan...why can’t the space mouse output a signal that imitates that? Even my keyboard can (poorly) imitate my mouse...after all, something is better than nothing...


    What would you sent for a slow panning motion in Y+Z while at the same time rotating around X and a bit aroud Y and slightly more around Z ?

    You always move in all 6 axis at the same time with a space mouse.

    That's the whole point of this input device.

  14. 2 minutes ago, GreyArea said:

    is It not possible for 3dconnexion to provide mapping software? I’m a gamer more than a 3D designer, and there’s a plethora of controllers out there, that can have their outputs mapped to commands.


    either 3dconnexion are missing a trick, or they’re obfuscating the control system to protect their IP.


    its a great tool...but it doesn’t work with Tinkercad either and speaking a a rank amateur that’s a real shame.


    You can map BUTTONS with their software but what would you map very precise analog movement in 6 axis to?

    The protocoll is known and there are 3rd party implementations.

    3DConnexion publishes a very well documented API, drivers and tools for all major operating systems including Linux.

    I have just helped my CAM software to implement support for the space mouse.

    It's just something we would like Ultimaker to actually do in Cura.


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