I see in the previous message, that this message will not be visible until the moderator has reviewed it, so I hope I can simply express my concern a bit deeper ...
without offending anyone.
This is a follow up on my previous message ...
Yesterday I was in the makerpoint store in Harlingen. I asked about the dual extruder solution, different materials, difference between um2+ and builder3d ...
They told me they were up-to-date with new developments, just visited some training. The advice was: um2+ is the way to go. Who am I to counter the advice of the expert? So, I followed the advice.
Before I made the purchase decision I sent an email to ultimaker, with exact this question. Is there, or will there be a dual extruder solution?
Miss Zena responded, nothing I can tell you ... "Op het moment zijn ze druk bezig om de website te updaten, dus is mijn advies om later op de dag of morgen er even naar te kijken."
The forum message title even says: Site down for maintenance ....
No message like: today the website is updating for a new announcement or something along those lines.
So I continued my pursue of buying. I transfered the money today ... the printer is expected to arrive tomorrow.
Now, the new website is up...
On the new announcements of "the new Ultimaker" it shows prints done with dual extruder .... (seperate support material) ... gosh .... this hurts!!
I really look forward to working with a UM machine ... for me it is a big investment for years to come. Something is making me really feel bad about the timing of it all.... to me, it seems clear, based on the announcement, that it would have been wiser to wait another 6 days ....
Could you please be so kind and advice me on this matter?