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Posts posted by MechDesigner

  1. I know you are using nylon. I have not tried it yet.

    I have pretty good luck with ABS on painters tape as long as I wipe the top of

    the tape with isaphrol alcohol, but with CPE it will not stick to the tape

    I had to add glue stick to the tape, kind of thick and lightly

    spread with a paper towel. I start the speed at about 80% and after the second layer

    starts I go back to 100%. Also after the brim is done I tape the edges of the brim

    down. for larger parts, good luck, the larger the prints easier they warp.

  2. Tom,

    I never heard of the build plate warping but a warped build plate is possible. I had a lot of problems with ABS warping off the build plate. I started using

    the blue painters tape after I use a squeegee to make sure the tape is flat I use

    isopropyl alcohol to whip the top of the tape to remove the sheen. Ever since I never had a warped part. For large parts fill the glass with tape and wrap it around the edge.

    My part stuck so good it took soaking it in hot water to soften the tape, took about 30minutes to remove.

    Hope this helps,


  3. My last post my filament un-rolled like a garden hose,

    Now I am having problems with the filament getting knotted up.

    I have a half empty roll that will not stay un-tangled, I tried a new roll of PLA,

    and it tied up in a knot. The new roll went on fine, Added the material to the printer,

    then after it starts to print the filament roll looses up, you can hear it unravel, then parts of it pops off the real, then ties into a knot.

    Will any of the hacks where they rotate the roll 90deg fix my problem.





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