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Posts posted by RudydG

  1. I think (but can be wrong), that the structure of the resources files for cura found on Github, is different from the mac osx Cura resources structure. I copied everything there, but can't find the mark 2 printer (it does work on my windows machine, but there is another problem, cura 2.5 crashes when i do file-access, is not related to this project, but limits me in the trial process)

    Hmm. I have no idea about the mac version, but I'm on linux and was struggling with an issue with the configuration files as well. Cura creates a mirror structure of the resource directories inside the user's home directory. Those would be the ones any sensible user would think to edit. However, Cura also completely ignores the files there, and loads only the ones from the installation directory. So I had to play root to get mine to work. Don't know if there's something similar going on?

    You pointed me in the right direction, found a second resources tab under macosx, copied the bunch there, and now i see the mark 2 in the list of printers. Only, nothing changes..

    Wile copying the files, i noticed there is no script section existing in the mac osx resources.

  2. You mean your 2th hotend has the old fixed UM2 block and not the olsson block?

    I see a few options;

    - change to an olsson block on the 2th also

    - adjust the plastic part of the head the be a few mm lower

    Do you know how to do CAD, the .stp files are on github. Let me know if I need to do it for you if you want option2, I can do it in the weekend, if needed tell me how many MM you need it to be lower, take a bit of a margin so it will most likely also work for other users...

    At this moment i put 5mm between the plastic part and the hotend unit. Works.

    So 5mm would do it for me, then there is 3mm of difference (second is lower now)

    I use 123d design, which cant read the files. If you could do it...

    In the end, if everything works out, i will buy a second olsson and bondtech extruder.

    Do you know a solution for the Cura config files on Mac?


  3. Building the Mark 2!!

    Printed all the parts and put them togheter, connected everything and tested.

    Use the thinkerware firmware version, everything is ok, docking and changing works superb!!

    Only one issue at this moment, my second hotend is my old UM2 one, and when i put everything together, my Z is wrong. The second head is higher as the first, making it impossible to print.

    I already tried raising the first hotend as much as possible, and lowering the second as much as possible, but still a few mm's between them 2, in the wrong direction....

    At this moment i "adjusted the height with putting some spacers between the printed part and the alluminium top plate of my second extruder.

    • Like 1

    Nice. Definitely looking forward for this. What is the mark2 printhead expansion board from the video?


    It's simply a small PCB that adds additional fan drivers so the fans on the second head can be controlled individually. As the main board lacks any (unused) buffered outputs from the microcontroller, I put together a little board with the missing driver transistors.



    Hello, how fast can i get such board? Are they available yet? at what cost?

    Many Thanks,



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